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    Service That Sells! the Art of Profitable Hospitality

    Beschreibung Service That Sells! the Art of Profitable Hospitality. Service That Sells! The Art of Profitable Hospitality Maximize your service and sales success and change the financial future of your operation with Service That Sells!, the best-selling book in foodservice history. This must-have restaurant management book will show you how to: 1. Build repeat business through increased guest loyalty and positive word-of-mouth advertising. 2. Deliver better service by focusing on the 12 points in the Cycle of Service. 3.Increase check averages and profits by turning order-takers into salespeople. 4. Create successful and profitable marketing programs. 5. Improve staff morale through higher earnings, rewards programs and teamwork incentives The tips, tricks and techniques in Service That Sells! have maximized the service and sales potential of restaurant operations ranging from quick service to full service, business and industry to family dining for decades. Even foodservice manufacturers and suppliers have profited from Service That Sells! — either directly or by providing the book to their operator clients to stimulate mutually beneficial sales gains while taking care of No. 1 ... the guest! Search Amazon.com for PENCOM PRESS to see our other products and titles.

    Buch Service That Sells! the Art of Profitable Hospitality PDF ePub

    Service That Sells!: The Art of Profitable Hospitality ~ Service That Sells!: The Art of Profitable Hospitality - Kindle edition by Sullivan, Jim, Roberts, Phil "Zoom". Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Service That Sells!: The Art of Profitable Hospitality.

    Service That Sells!: The Art of Profitable Hospitality ~ Service That Sells!: The Art of Profitable Hospitality: : Roberts, Phil: Books Skip to main content. Hello, Sign in. Account & Lists Returns & Orders. Try. Prime Basket. Books. Go Search Hello Select your address Best Sellers Today's Deals Prime Video Help Books New Releases Gift Ideas Home & Garden Electronics Vouchers Gift Cards & Top Up PC Sell Free Delivery Shopper .

    Service That Sells! the Art of Profitable Hospitality ~ Service That Sells! The Art of Profitable Hospitality Maximize your service and sales success and change the financial future of your operation with Service That Sells!, the best-selling book in foodservice history. This must-have restaurant management book will show you how to: 1. Build repeat business through increased guest loyalty and .

    Service that sells! : the art of profitable hospitality ~ Service that sells! : the art of profitable hospitality. [Phil Roberts; Jim Sullivan] Home. WorldCat Home About WorldCat Help. Search. Search for Library Items Search for Lists Search for Contacts Search for a Library. Create lists, bibliographies and reviews: or Search WorldCat. Find items in libraries near you. Advanced Search Find a Library. COVID-19 Resources. Reliable information about .

    Service That Sells! the Art of Profitable Hospitalit ~ Service That Sells! The Art of Profitable Hospitality Maximize your service and sales success and change the financial future of your operation with Service That Sells!, the best-selling book in foodservice history. This must-have restaurant management book will show you how to: 1. Build repeat business through increased guest loyalty and positive word-of-mouth advertising. 2. Deliver better .

    Service That Sells! the Art of Profitable Hospitality ~ Service That Sells! the Art of Profitable Hospitality by Roberts, Phil/ Sullivan, Jim. Paperback available at Half Price Books® https://www.hpb. Service That Sells! The Art Of Profitable Hospitality . by Roberts, Phil/ Sullivan, Jim. This is it. The bestselling book in food service history. Over the years it has been updated and, based on demand, kept printing. Today, hundreds of .

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