Beschreibung Food Wine Burgundy (The Terroir Guides). For decades, David Downie and Alison Harris have been exploring Burgundy—they walked clear across it in 2006—reporting on their finds for top magazines and newspapers worldwide. This is the third Terroir Guide they have collaborated on and perhaps the most detailed and personal of any so far. Burgundy is one of France’s great food and wine regions. Many of the world’s most sought-after wines are produced there; so, too, are some of the most underrated, underpriced white wines in France. Each of Burgundy’s five wine districts is thoroughly explored in this guide, with recommendations on which wines to buy and which wineries to visit. Wine terminology is explained in a way that anyone can understand. On the food side, Burgundy still has a surprising number of luxurious restaurants, as well as dozens of country auberges visitors dream of discovering. Downie leads you to just such places, as well as to specialty food shops where you can taste the region’s terroir firsthand. Burgundy’s lush scenery distills the essence of French terroir, and each of its subregions has a distinctive character where the architecture and art reflect this storied diversity.
Food Wine Burgundy (The Terroir Guides): : Downie ~ Food Wine Burgundy (The Terroir Guides) / Downie, David, Harris, Alison / ISBN: 9781892145758 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
Food Wine Burgundy (The Terroir Guides): Downie, David ~ Each of Burgundy’s five wine districts is thoroughly explored in this guide, with recommendations on which wines to buy and which wineries to visit. Wine terminology is explained in a way that anyone can understand. On the food side, Burgundy still has a surprising number of luxurious restaurants, as well as dozens of country auberges visitors dream of discovering. Downie leads you to just .
Food Wine Burgundy: A Terroir Guide Terroir Guides: ~ David Downie's guide to Burgundy's food and wine is extraordinary. I have traveled frequently to Burgundy since the 90's, and now that I live in Provence, and Beaune is only 4 hours away, I go once or twice a year. Still I have lot to learn from this book. It is very well researched, and packed full of excellent information, in a convenient format to carry on trips. David includes most of the .
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