Beschreibung Small World: A Global Photographic Project, 1987-94. By the year 2000 tourism will be the biggest industry in the world. Even now an estimated 750 million "tourists" generate a massive $2,000 billion annual expenditure on accommodation, catering, transport and souvenirs.Parr's timely investigation looks at tourism worldwide from the overcrowding of popular "honeypot" sites - famous locations whose success in attracting visitors ultimately diminishes the quality of the visitor's experience - to the inevitable culture clashes as developing countries become tourist destinations.
Martin Parr – Wikipedia ~ Small World: A Global Photographic Project, 1987-94. 96 Seiten. Dewi Lewis Publishing, 1995. ISBN 1-899235-05-1. Literatur. art - das Kunstmagazin 8/04; Freddy Langer: Das Buch über alle Bücher mit allen Fotos. In FAZ, Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung vom 17. Dezember 2006, Nr. 50, Seite 67.
télecharger le livre Small World: A Global Photographic ~ Small World: A Global Photographic Project, 1987-94 résumé du livre détaillé [PDF] Small World: A Global Photographic Project, 1987-94 résu.
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Simon Winchester - Wikipedia ~ 1995 – Small World: A Global Photographic Project, 1987–94 (by Martin Parr and Simon Winchester), Dewi Lewis, ISBN 1-899235-05-1; 1996 – The River at the Center of the World: A Journey Up the Yangtze, and Back in Chinese Time; 1998 – The Surgeon of Crowthorne: A Tale of Murder, Madness and the Making of the Oxford English Dictionary (Published in the United States as The Professor and .
Саймон Вінчестер — Вікіпедія ~ Small World: A Global Photographic Project, 1987–94), разом з Мартіном Парр, Деві Льюїс; ISBN 1-899235-05-1 1996 — Річка в центрі світу: подорож до Янцзи або назад у китайському часі (англ.
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Martin Parr - Wikipedia ~ Martin Parr (born 23 May 1952) is a British documentary photographer, photojournalist and photobook collector. He is known for his photographic projects that take an intimate, satirical and anthropological look at aspects of modern life, in particular documenting the social classes of England, and more broadly the wealth of the Western world. .
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Martin Parr – Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre ~ Martin Parr (Nascido em 23 de maio de 1952) é um fotógrafo documental britânico, [3] fotojornalista e colecionador de álbuns fotográficos. Conhecido por seus projetos fotográficos que trazem uma visão intimidadora, satírica e antropológica [4] sobre os aspectos da vida moderna, em particular, documentando as classes sociais da Inglaterra, e mais amplamente a riqueza do mundo ocidental.