Beschreibung Lucky John: From Teaboy to Chairman of a Multi-billion Pound Firm. From the humblest beginnings, John Brown became the dominant figure in British bookmaking as Chairman of William Hill. Brought up in the East End, and still sounding like an East End barrow boy, Brown's doughty, ambitious character and sharp intellect took him from tea boy to tycoon. While he schoolmates were taking their exams, Brown was flat on his back in an isolation hospital with rheumatic fever. Armed with nothing more than a determination to be a bookmaker, he wrote to William Hill and started as a tea boy. This title traces Brwon's increasingly public rise from the bottom to the slippery top, and the multi-million pound reward that came with William Hill's eventual stock market flotation. A man of strong opinions, strongly expressed, John Brown gives his views on the organizations and individuals he has encountered and on the the management of British business.
Lucky John: From Teaboy to Chairman of a Multi-billion ~ Lucky John: From Teaboy to Chairman of a Multi-billion Pound Firm: : David Ashforth, John Brown: Fremdsprachige Bücher
Lucky John: From Teaboy to Chairman of a Multi-Billion ~ Lucky John: From Teaboy to Chairman of a Multi-Billion Pound Firm by John Brown (1-Jul-2004) Hardcover / / ISBN: / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
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Lucky John: From Teaboy to Chairman of a Multi-Billion ~ Lucky John: From Teaboy to Chairman of a Multi-Billion Pound Firm: : Brown, John, Ashforth, David: Books . Get your Kindle here, or download a FREE Kindle Reading App. Product details. Hardcover: 248 pages; Publisher: Highdown; First Edition edition (1 July 2004) Language: English; ISBN-10: 1904317308; ISBN-13: 978-1904317302; Package Dimensions: 23.4 x 15.6 x 2.4 cm Customer .
Lucky John: From Teaboy to Chairman of a Multi-billion ~ Sep 21, 2014 - Find best value and selection for your Lucky John From Teaboy to Chairman of a Multi billion Pound Firm John Brown U search on eBay. World's leading marketplace.
Lucky john: from teaboy to chairman of a multi-billion ~ Editor: Highdown Autor: John Brown ISBN 13: 1904317308 Fecha de lanzamiento: July 1, 2004 Número de descargas: 1483 times Última descarga hace 15 dÃas. Titulo del libro: Lucky john: from teaboy to chairman of a multi-billion pound firm Páginas: 304 Vistas de página: 5584 ISBN: 1904317308 Lea el libro Lucky john: from teaboy to chairman of a multi-billion pound firm del autor John Brown en .
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