Beschreibung The Caravan Goes on: How Aramco and Saudi Arabia Grew Up Together. "The remarkable story of one man's journey to leadership of the world's largest energy company, The Caravan Goes On is the first published inside account of the workings of the corporation by a CEO and represents a significant addition to the literature on the turbulent development of the world's oil industry. Frank Jungers, former President, Chairman and CEO of the petroleum giant Aramco, tells the inside story of his three decades in Saudi Arabia (1947-1978) with the world's largest oil producing company.A North Dakota farm boy Jungers rose to the top of one of the most important hydrocarbon enterprises ever, a company that eventually found itself responsible for nearly one-quarter of the world's oil resources. He writes of his face-to-face encounters with King Faisal and other Saudi leaders, and his role in steering the company through major international crises that included the 1973 Arab-Israeli war, the dramatic oil price increases of the 1970s, the Arab oil embargo and the OPEC hostage incident of 1975.Central to Jungers' story is his role in helping to develop Aramco's Saudi workforce in preparation for the eventual transfer of company ownership from four American oil majors to the Government of Saudi Arabia. He explains the unique nature of the ownership transfer, which was remarkably different from the bitter nationalization process seen in Iraq, Libya, Iran and Venezuela. Jungers describes how Aramco and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in an important sense grew up together, and he highlights the crucial role played by Aramco in the development of the young nation's infrastructure and economy. The Caravan Goes On describes the origins of the petroleum industry in Saudi Arabia, with the granting of a concession in 1933 to a subsidiary of Standard Oil of California, the first of Aramco's four oil-company parents. Jungers talks of his own origins as the son of farmer in North Dakota, the family's migration westward due to drought and depression, and his engineering studies at the University of Washington. Jungers began his career in Saudi Arabia working at Ras Tanura, site of Aramco's first oil refinery and oil tanker terminal. He describes how Aramco built its initial workforce, consisting of Americans, Italians, Saudis and other nationalities; he explains how it soon became clear that the future of the Saudi oil industry belonged not with foreign oil interest but to the people of Saudi Arabia; and he relates how he and others worked to give Saudis the training and incentives needed to take over and successfully operate what would become the world's premier oil producing and exporting company. At the same time, Aramco, with its technological expertise and its access to international specialists, began playing a central role in the development of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The company, with support and encouragement of the Saudi Kings, took a lead role in building healthcare, agriculture, the railroads, the electric grid and other sectors of the Saudi economy. The story of the ""King Faisal Era"" (including the monarch's role in the oil price issue, the Arab oil embargo and his closed-door meetings with the King and his key advisers, including Oil Minister Shaikh Ahmed Zaki Yamani) are vividly described, as well as the shock of King Faisal's tragic death and the tense moments of the OPEC hostage incident that began in Vienna and ended in North Africa.This personal, colorful and up-close view is required reading for oil-industry watchers as well as those interested in big business, geopolitics, America's role in the Middle East and the extraordinary transformation and emergence of modern Saudi Arabia since oil was discovered in its Eastern Province."
The Caravan Goes On: How Aramco and Saudi Arabia Grew Up ~ The Caravan Goes On: How Aramco and Saudi Arabia Grew Up Together - Kindle edition by Jungers, Frank. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading The Caravan Goes On: How Aramco and Saudi Arabia Grew Up Together.
The Caravan Goes On: How Aramco and Saudi Arabia Grew Up ~ : The Caravan Goes On: How Aramco and Saudi Arabia Grew Up Together (9781909339187): Jungers, Frank: Books . Get your Kindle here, or download a FREE Kindle Reading App. Related video shorts (0) Upload your video. Be the first video Your name here. Customer reviews. 4.6 out of 5 stars. 4.6 out of 5 . 18 customer ratings. 5 star 76% 4 star 16% 3 star 0% (0%) 0% 2 star 8% 1 star 0% .
101+ Read Book The Caravan Goes On How Aramco And Saudi ~ The Caravan Goes On How Aramco And Saudi Arabia Grew Up the caravan goes on describes the origins of the petroleum industry in saudi arabia with the granting of a concession in 1933 to a subsidiary of standard oil of california the first of aramcos four oil company parents jungers talks of his own origins as the son of farmer in north dakota the familys migration westward due to drought and .
The Caravan Goes On How Aramco And Saudi Arabia Grew Up ~ the caravan goes on how aramco and saudi arabia grew up together Sep 15, 2020 Posted By Jeffrey Archer Publishing TEXT ID 664fe7c7 Online PDF Ebook Epub Library subsidiary of standard oil of california start by marking the caravan goes on how aramco and saudi arabia grew up together as want to read how aramco and saudi arabia
The Caravan Goes On How Aramco And Saudi Arabia Grew Up ~ the caravan goes on how aramco and saudi arabia grew up together Sep 06, 2020 Posted By Dan . versand fur alle bucher mit versand und verkauf duch the jungers describes how aramco and the kingdom of saudi arabia in an the caravan goes on how aramco and saudi arabia grew up together sep 06 2020 posted by cao xueqin media text id 864caeac online pdf ebook epub library origins as the son .
The Caravan Goes On How Aramco And Saudi Arabia Grew Up ~ the caravan goes on how aramco and saudi arabia grew up together Sep 12, 2020 Posted By Edgar Rice Burroughs Publishing TEXT ID 664fe7c7 Online PDF Ebook Epub Library due to drought and depression and his engineering studies at the university of washington jungers began his career in saudi arabia working at ras tanura site of aramco the
The Caravan Goes On How Aramco And Saudi Arabia Grew Up ~ Aug 30, 2020 the caravan goes on how aramco and saudi arabia grew up together Posted By James MichenerLibrary TEXT ID 4644ab85 Online PDF Ebook Epub Library the caravan goes on how aramco and saudi arabia grew up together by frank jungers illustrated 5 dec 2013 paperback isbn kostenloser versand fur alle bucher mit versand und verkauf duch the
The Caravan Goes On How Aramco And Saudi Arabia Grew Up ~ the caravan goes on how aramco and saudi arabia grew up together Sep 06, 2020 Posted By Cao Xueqin Media TEXT ID 864caeac Online PDF Ebook Epub Library origins as the son of farmer in north dakota the familys migration westward due to drought and depression and his engineering studies at the jungers describes how aramco
The Caravan Goes On How Aramco And Saudi Arabia Grew Up ~ the caravan goes on how aramco and saudi arabia grew up together Sep 11, 2020 Posted By Cao Xueqin Media Publishing TEXT ID 664fe7c7 Online PDF Ebook Epub Library remarkable story of one mans journey to leadership of the worlds largest energy company the caravan goes on is the first published inside account of the workings of the
The Caravan Goes On How Aramco And Saudi Arabia Grew Up ~ the caravan goes on how aramco and saudi arabia grew up together By Erskine . you are previewing the caravan goes on how aramco and saudi arabia grew up together the caravan goes on how aramco and saudi arabia grew up together frank jungers dimensions 234 x 17 cm format hardback kindle paperback isbn 9781909339194 hardback 9781909339187 paperback publication december 2013 author frank .
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The Caravan Goes On How Aramco And Saudi Arabia Grew Up ~ the caravan goes on how aramco and saudi arabia grew up together By Eleanor . paperback isbn kostenloser versand fur alle bucher mit versand und verkauf duch the caravan goes on how aramco and saudi arabia grew up together by frank jungers overview the remarkable story of one mans journey to leadership of the worlds largest energy company the caravan goes on is the first published .
The Caravan Goes on: How Aramco and Saudi Arabia Grew Up ~ Start by marking “The Caravan Goes on: How Aramco and Saudi Arabia Grew Up Together” as Want to Read: . How Aramco and Saudi Arabia Grew Up Together by. Frank Jungers. 4.43 · Rating details · 7 ratings · 4 reviews The remarkable story of one man's journey to leadership of the world's largest energy company, The Caravan Goes On is the first published inside account of the workings of .
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: Customer reviews: The Caravan Goes On: How ~ The book is The Caravan Goes On by Frank Jungers. It concerns Armaco and Saudi Arabia and how they grew up together.So the book talks about how the country develops and how Armaco became one of the largest energy producers in the world. The best part was how it described the politics and the economics of the country and the region. I recommend this for anyone interested in the history of the .