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    How To Make Money With Your Martial Arts Gym: Even If You Haven't Won Anything Yet

    Beschreibung How To Make Money With Your Martial Arts Gym: Even If You Haven't Won Anything Yet. Boost your PROFITS and REDUCE theSTRESS of owning a martial arts gym.Discover the simple systems you need to grow your facility and regain your freedomre you struggling to establish yourself as a recognised martial arts school in your area? Find yourself doing all the work in your gym all day, every day without the reward? Want to get rid of the headaches and get your life back?This book will teach you the methods that turned my average gym into a mid-six-figure business with two affiliate facilities and more on the way. More profitability and more time to do the things you want.You will be shown: • why many MMA gyms don’t make money • how to define your market and how to speak to them • how to boost profitability through your website • the simple steps to building a great facility and team of staff • how to convert more prospects into customers • how to make more moneyUsing my techniques to hone your systems and marketing, you can amplify your position as the go-to gym in your community and build a really successful business.

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