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    In Defence of Serendipity

    Beschreibung In Defence of Serendipity. In Defence of Serendipity is a lively and buccaneering work of investigative philosophy, treating the origins of “serendipity, accident and sagacity”, both as riddles and philosophical concepts that can be put to a future political use.  Taking in Aristotle, LSD, Tony Blair and techno-mysticism, Olma challenges the prevailing faith in the benevolence of digital technology and the illegitimate equation of innovation and entrepreneurship, arguing instead that we must take responsibility for the care of society’s digital infrastructure, and prevent its degeneration into an apparatus of marketing and finance.  For although there is nothing wrong with marketing and finance per se, if they alone lead technological development, free of any discretionary political interference, the freedom to be exploited will be as much a part of the future as our ability to intervene freely in our lives, will be a thing of the past.

    Buch In Defence of Serendipity PDF ePub

    In Defence of Serendipity: : Olma, Sebastian ~ In Defence of Serendipity is a lively and buccaneering work of investigative philosophy, treating the origins of “serendipity, accident and sagacity”, both as riddles and philosophical concepts that can be put to a future political use. Taking in Aristotle, LSD, Tony Blair and techno-mysticism, Olma challenges the prevailing faith in the benevolence of digital technology and the .

    In Defence of Serendipity Sebastian Olma Philosophy ~ In Defence of Serendipity by Sebastian Olma Philosophy Books In Defence of Serendipity is a active and buccaneering assignment of analytic philosophy, alleviative the origins of “serendipity, accident and sagacity”, both as riddles and abstract concepts that can be put to a

    In Defence of Serendipity by Sebastian Olma: 9781910924341 ~ About In Defence of Serendipity. In Defence of Serendipity is a lively and buccaneering work of investigative philosophy, treating the origins of “serendipity, accident and sagacity”, both as riddles and philosophical concepts that can be put to a future political use. Taking in Aristotle, LSD, Tony Blair and techno-mysticism, Olma challenges the prevailing faith in the benevolence of .

    In Defence of Serendipity eBook by Sebastian Olma ~ In Defence of Serendipity is a lively and buccaneering work of investigative philosophy, treating the origins of “serendipity, accident and sagacity”, both as riddles and philosophical concepts that can be put to a future political use.. Taking in Aristotle, LSD, Tony Blair and techno-mysticism, Olma challenges the prevailing faith in the benevolence of digital technology and the .

    In Defence of Serendipity: Olma, Sebastian: 9781910924341 ~ In Defence of Serendipity is a lively and buccaneering work of investigative philosophy, treating the origins of “serendipity, accident and sagacity”, both as riddles and philosophical concepts that can be put to a future political use. Taking in Aristotle, LSD, Tony Blair and techno-mysticism, Olma challenges the prevailing faith in the benevolence of digital technology and the .

    (PDF) Serendipity: 77 zufĂ€llige Entdeckungen, die ~ Lesen oder Herunterladen Serendipity: 77 zufĂ€llige Entdeckungen, die Geschichte schrieben Buchen mit Miriam Meckel, Daniel Rettig. Es ist eines der Bestseller-BĂŒcher in diesem Monat. VerfĂŒgbar in den Formaten PDF, EPUB, MOBI, KINDLE, E-BOOK und AUDIOBOOK. Serendipity: 77 zufĂ€llige Entdeckungen, die Geschichte schrieben by Miriam Meckel, Daniel Rettig. Book Detail: Category: Book Binding .

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