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    Working & Studying Abroad

    Beschreibung Working & Studying Abroad. Imagine you have the opportunity to travel, study, or work abroad. You're interested, but have no experience leaving your country, or even know where to start. This journey can help you with that. I want to share a story about living abroad. The planning, the work, those last-minute jitters before you get on that flight. How to overcome your personal fears. It can be scary giving up your way of life but there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I will give you some tips on navigating another country. I spent over 10 years of my life traveling, studying, and working abroad. Going through the anticipation of leaving your home country is a big change. You'll need a guide to give you some inspiration along the way. I will give details on my entire process from booking your flights to applying for your first job abroad. My life studying abroad in Pamplona, Spain then venturing to Munich, Germany to work abroad were some of the best moments, and biggest challenges in my life. During college it was important to gain life experience and build connections. The rewards of building a global network, an international family, achieving high levels of fluency in Spanish and German was well worth it. It was fun, amazing, and challenging. It doesn't matter if you're old or young. If you have a desire to see a piece of the world in another country, Go for it! Life is about enjoying the moments you have. Living abroad is a life changing experience. When I was preparing to go abroad, I would have loved to have someone document their experiences in the form of a guide and put them in a book. This book gives the reader a new confidence in preparing for their adventure abroad. I hope to inspire you to venture among your horizons. I have put together an informational checklist on things you need to be aware of when preparing for your travel, work, and study abroad. Applying for your study abroad is the easy part, preparing your passport early and getting on that plane without flaking out is the challenge. Join me as I prepare you to face new challenges and gain new opportunities.

    Buch Working & Studying Abroad PDF ePub

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