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    Rise of the Machines: The Lost History of Cybernetics

    Beschreibung Rise of the Machines: The Lost History of Cybernetics. A sweeping exploration of man's relationship with machines, and the inventions and myths that shape our world. As lives offline and online merge even more, it is easy to forget how we got here. Rise of the Machines reclaims the spectacular story of cybernetics, a control theory of man-and-machine and one of the twentieth century's pivotal ideas. Springing from the febrile mind of mathematician Norbert Wiener amid the devastation of World War II, the cybernetic vision underpinned a host of seductive myths of cyborgs, cyberculture, and cyberspace. Wiener's scheme slowly transformed computers from machines of assured destruction to engines of brilliant utopias. Cybernetics, in turn, triggered blissful cults and martial gizmos, The Whole Earth Catalog, and the U.S. Air Force's foray into virtual space. It continues to fuel anarchists and cyberwarriors today. Drawing on unpublished sources including interviews with hippies, anarchists, sleuths, and spies, Rise of the Machines offers an unparalleled perspective into our anxious embrace of technology.

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    Rise of the Machines: the lost history of cybernetics ~ Rise of the Machines: the lost history of cybernetics (English Edition) eBook: Rid, Thomas: : Kindle-Shop

    Rise of the Machines : the lost history of cybernetics ~ Thomas Rid’s revelatory history of cybernetics pulls together disparate threads in the history of technology: from the invention of radar and pilotless flying bombs in World War Two, to artificial intelligence, virtual reality, cryptocurrencies, and present day fears about cyber security.

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    Kline, R: Cybernetics Moment New Studies in American ~ In The Cybernetics Moment, Ronald R. Kline, a senior historian of technology, examines the intellectual and cultural history of cybernetics and information theory, whose language of "information," "feedback," and "control" transformed the idiom of the sciences, hastened the development of information technologies, and laid the conceptual foundation for what we now call the Information Age.

    The Systems View of Life: : Capra, Fritjof ~ Wiener defined cybernetics as the science of "control and communication in the animal and the machine" (p.87). "All major achievements of cybernetics originated … in mechanistic models of living systems" (p.89). Interestingly, Norbert Wiener made "a clear distinction between a mechanistic model and the non-mechanistic living system it represents" (p.93). Ross Ashby (1903--1972), who was "the .

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    Kybernetik – Wikipedia ~ Kybernetik ist nach ihrem Begründer Norbert Wiener die Wissenschaft der Steuerung und Regelung von Maschinen und deren Analogie zur Handlungsweise von lebenden Organismen (aufgrund der Rückkopplung durch Sinnesorgane) und sozialen Organisationen (aufgrund der Rückkopplung durch Kommunikation und Beobachtung).Sie wurde auch mit der Formel „die Kunst des Steuerns“ beschrieben.

    Norbert Wiener – Wikipedia ~ Norbert Wiener (* 26.November 1894 in Columbia, Missouri; † 18. März 1964 in Stockholm) war ein US-amerikanischer Mathematiker und Philosoph.Er ist als Begründer der Kybernetik bekannt, ein Ausdruck, den er in seinem Werk Cybernetics or Control and Communication in the Animal and the Machine (1948) prägte. Er schuf damit die wissenschaftliche und mathematische Basis für die .

    Cybernetics in the Soviet Union - Wikipedia ~ Cybernetics: a reactionary pseudoscience that appeared in the U.S.A. after World War II and also spread through other capitalist countries. Cybernetics clearly reflects one of the basic features of the bourgeois worldview—its inhumanity, striving to transform workers into an extension of the machine, into a tool of production, and an instrument of war.

    Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (2003) - IMDb ~ Directed by Jonathan Mostow. With Arnold Schwarzenegger, Nick Stahl, Kristanna Loken, Claire Danes. A machine from a post-apocalyptic future travels back in time to protect a man and a woman from an advanced robotic assassin to ensure they both survive a nuclear attack.

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    The Rise of the Machines – Why Automation is Different ~ Automation in the Information Age is different.Books we used for this video:The Rise of the Robots: http://amzn.to/2sFQTedThe Second Machine Age: http://amzn.to.

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