Beschreibung Work Hard Playlist Hard: The DIY playlist guide for Artists and Curators. Mike Warner is an independent artist, curator and the go-to person when it comes to playlist strategies on music streaming services. This book teaches artists at any level how to grow their audience on streaming services through profile enhancement, data analysis, automation and creating value as a curator. In this book Mike sets the record straight what playlists really can do for artists' careers. You will learn how to customize your artist profiles on popular streaming services; build a playlist and grow it's following; pitch to independent curators; grow your network; release music catered to playlists. The book also has numerous helpful tips and tricks to show you along the way.
Work Hard Playlist Hard: The DIY playlist guide for ~ Work Hard Playlist Hard: The DIY playlist guide for Artists and Curators - Kindle edition by Warner, Mike. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Work Hard Playlist Hard: The DIY playlist guide for Artists and Curators.
Work Hard Playlist Hard Book / Work Hard Playlist Hard HQ ~ The DIY playlist guide for Artists and Curators (E-Book) This book teaches artists at any level how to grow their audience on streaming services through profile enhancement, data analysis, automation and creating value as a curator. In this book Mike sets the record straight what playlists really can do for artists' careers. You will learn how .
Work Hard Playlist Hard: The DIY playlist guide for ~ Work Hard Playlist Hard has insightful tips, tools, and is a quick read for a noob. Whether you're an artist, a part of a label, promoter, etc. the people in your communities are invaluable. If you don't have any, after this read I suggest you find some and invest in the people in them.
: Customer reviews: Work Hard Playlist Hard: The ~ Work Hard Playlist Hard has insightful tips, tools, and is a quick read for a noob. Whether you're an artist, a part of a label, promoter, etc. the people in your communities are invaluable. If you don't have any, after this read I suggest you find some and invest in the people in them.
Work Hard Playlist Hard HQ ~ From the creator of the best selling book "Work Hard Playlist Hard" comes the WHPH University. Everyone is welcome, let's learn together and support each other!
Submit your music to Spotify playlist curators ~ The service is great and gives an opportunity to independent artist to have a fighting chance when most of the Spotify playlist are influenced by major labels. My personal experience landed me on some great playlist which brought me to almost 50,000 streams on my current single.
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Playlists - Spotify ~ Eine Playlist ist ganz einfach eine Sammlung von Songs. Du kannst eine eigene erstellen und sie teilen und du kannst Millionen andere Playlists hören, die von Spotify, Künstlern und anderen Hörern auf der ganzen Welt erstellt wurden. Tipp: Organisiere deine Playlist mithilfe von Playlist-Ordnern. Für dich erstellt . Die vielen Playlists, die Spotify für dich erstellt, wie „Dein Mix der .
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