Beschreibung Impatient Optimist: Bill Gates in His Own Words (In Their Own Words). Bill Gates, the founder and former CEO of Microsoft, has been a revered, and occasionally controversial, worldwide business icon for more than three decades.Recognized by most as an ingenious visionary, and painted by some as a tyrannical, less-than-scrupulous empire builder, Gates has had an unignorable impact on the growth of digital technology in daily life over the past 30 years. Even his sharpest critics have to acknowledge the obvious: Gates helped spearhead one of the greatest revolutions in modern history by seizing on the importance of software to the rise of the personal computer, along the way turning an arcane, specialized technology into a commonplace tool for the office and home.Gates has long been ranked as one of the world’s wealthiest men--which gave him a name recognition far greater than that of most CEOs--and businesspeople of all stripes have looked to him as a role model, using his words and business strategies to help create, inspire, and grow their own companies. After he stopped running Microsoft's day-to-day operations in 2008 to devote himself full-time to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, a kinder, gentler Gates began to emerge. As a result, people actively involved in the philanthropic world, whether in professional, part-time, or personal capacities, began to develop a new appreciation for the man.Bill Gates’s second act is no less compelling than his first. And whether you’re interested in his personal life or looking for inspiration to drive you forward in your own business endeavors, Impatient Optimist: Bill Gates in His Own Words has much to offer. As the tech giants who distinguished the turn of the 21st century shape public life in ways that outstrip the efforts of the previous century's titans of industry, we look to figures like Gates for inspiration as one of America's greatest business icons. This book will surely feed the world's curiosity about one of the most important leaders of the digital age.
Impatient Optimist: Bill Gates in His Own Words (In Their ~ Impatient Optimist: Bill Gates in His Own Words (In Their Own Words) - Kindle edition by Rogak, Lisa. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Impatient Optimist: Bill Gates in His Own Words (In Their Own Words).
Impatient Optimist: Bill Gates in His Own Words by Lisa Rogak ~ Start your review of Impatient Optimist: Bill Gates in His Own Words. Write a review. Jul 31, 2016 Ishmeet Singh rated it really liked it · review of another edition. The book it is full of quotes (only quotes) of Bill Gates, written in order of his timeline . I found the concept of writing a biography with only quotes he said during those life events amusing and refreshing . It's not the .
Impatient Optimist: Bill Gates in His Own Words (In Their ~ Gates has long been ranked as one of the world’s wealthiest men--which gave him a name recognition far greater than that of most CEOs--and businesspeople of all stripes have looked to him as a role model, using his words and business strategies to help create, inspire, and grow their own companies. After he stopped running Microsoft's day-to-day operations in 2008 to devote himself full-time .
Impatient Optimist: Bill Gates in His Own Words In Their ~ Bill Gates’s second act is no less compelling than his first. And whether you’re interested in his personal life or looking for inspiration to drive you forward in your own business endeavors, Impatient Optimist: Bill Gates in His Own Words has much to offer. As the tech giants who distinguished the turn of the 21st century shape public .
Impatient Optimist by Rogak, Lisa (ebook) ~ Impatient Optimist: Bill Gates in His Own Words (In Their Own Words series) by Lisa Rogak. Bill Gates, the founder and former CEO of Microsoft, has been a revered, and occasionally controversial, worldwide business icon for more than three decades. Recognized by most as an ingenious visionary, and painted by some as a tyrannical, less-than-scrupulous empire builder, Gates has had an .
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20+ Impatient Optimist Bill Gates In His Own Words In ~ Impatient Optimist Bill Gates In His Own Words Ebook get this from a library impatient optimist bill gates in his own words bill gates lisa rogak a collection of thought provoking direct quotes from bill gates on topics related to business technology microsoft philanthropy and life this book shares the unique perspective of one of the our Impatient Optimist Bill Gates In His Own Words co .
Impatient Optimist: Bill Gates in His Own Words (In Their ~ Compre Impatient Optimist: Bill Gates in His Own Words (In Their Own Words) (English Edition) de Rogak, Lisa na .br. Confira também os eBooks mais vendidos, lançamentos e livros digitais exclusivos.