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    The Shopper Marketing Revolution: Consumer - Shopper - Retailer: How Marketing Must Reinvent Itself in the Age of the Shopper

    Beschreibung The Shopper Marketing Revolution: Consumer - Shopper - Retailer: How Marketing Must Reinvent Itself in the Age of the Shopper. The consumer goods industry accounts for 20 percent of the world’s gross domestic product (GDP)—that’s over $14 trillion in turnover. And yet the industry isn’t growing! It lags behind global GDP growth, and the latest figures suggest that the world’s top 250 consumer goods manufacturers lost nearly $38 billion in profit in 2011 compared to the previous year. As growth declines, profit margins erode and leading players are caught in a perfect storm: hyper competition, the growth of mega-retailers, explosive increases in input costs, talent shortages, and the declining effectiveness of traditional marketing methods all suck profits from a once vibrant and progressive industry. Industry thought leaders see an urgent need for change. In The Shopper Marketing Revolution, shopper marketing pioneers Mike Anthony and Toby Desforges analyze why the industry needs to change and provide managers in the field with the practical advice and proven techniques they’ll need to revolutionize their businesses. Mike and Toby introduce the five-step Total Marketing model, an approach that creates coherent links between the end consumer and the in-store environment. Total marketing represents a fundamental shift in the way marketing works. It will help businesses understand how to respond to the reality of the 21st century—transforming the way they market their brands and relate to retail customers.

    Buch The Shopper Marketing Revolution: Consumer - Shopper - Retailer: How Marketing Must Reinvent Itself in the Age of the Shopper PDF ePub

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