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    Enterprise Security Risk Management: Concepts and Applications

    Beschreibung Enterprise Security Risk Management: Concepts and Applications. As a security professional, have you found that you and others in your company do not always define “security” the same way? Perhaps security interests and business interests have become misaligned. Brian Allen and Rachelle Loyear offer a new approach: Enterprise Security Risk Management (ESRM). By viewing security through a risk management lens, ESRM can help make you and your security program successful. In their long-awaited book, based on years of practical experience and research, Brian Allen and Rachelle Loyear show you step-by-step how Enterprise Security Risk Management (ESRM) applies fundamental risk principles to manage all security risks. Whether the risks are informational, cyber, physical security, asset management, or business continuity, all are included in the holistic, all-encompassing ESRM approach which will move you from task-based to risk-based security. How is ESRM familiar? As a security professional, you may already practice some of the components of ESRM. Many of the concepts – such as risk identification, risk transfer and acceptance, crisis management, and incident response – will be well known to you. How is ESRM new? While many of the principles are familiar, the authors have identified few organizations that apply them in the comprehensive, holistic way that ESRM represents – and even fewer that communicate these principles effectively to key decision-makers. How is ESRM practical? ESRM offers you a straightforward, realistic, actionable approach to deal effectively with all the distinct types of security risks facing you as a security practitioner. ESRM is performed in a life cycle of risk management including: Asset assessment and prioritization. Risk assessment and prioritization. Risk treatment (mitigation). Continuous improvement. Throughout Enterprise Security Risk Management: Concepts and Applications, the authors give you the tools and materials that will help you advance you in the security field, no matter if you are a student, a newcomer, or a seasoned professional. Included are realistic case studies, questions to help you assess your own security program, thought-provoking discussion questions, useful figures and tables, and references for your further reading. By redefining how everyone thinks about the role of security in the enterprise, your security organization can focus on working in partnership with business leaders and other key stakeholders to identify and mitigate security risks. As you begin to use ESRM, following the instructions in this book, you will experience greater personal and professional satisfaction as a security professional – and you’ll become a recognized and trusted partner in the business-critical effort of protecting your enterprise and all its assets.

    Buch Enterprise Security Risk Management: Concepts and Applications PDF ePub

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 Defining Security’s Role Brian Allen advises business executives on security organizational strategy through the implementation of ESRM principles. He is the author of two books on ESRM and speaks globally on the topic. Learn More

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