Beschreibung Adaptive Business Continuity: A New Approach. Have you begun to question traditional best practices in business continuity (BC)? Do you seem to be concentrating on documentation rather than preparedness? Compliance rather than recoverability? Do your efforts provide true business value? If you have these concerns, David Lindstedt and Mark Armour offer a solution in Adaptive Business Continuity: A New Approach. This ground-breaking new book provides a streamlined, realistic methodology to change BC dramatically.After years of working with the traditional practices of business continuity (BC) – in project management, higher education, contingency planning, and disaster recovery – David Lindstedt and Mark Armour identified unworkable areas in many core practices of traditional BC. To address these issues, they created nine Adaptive BC principles, the foundation of this book: Deliver continuous value. Document only for mnemonics. Engage at many levels within the organization. Exercise for improvement, not for testing. Learn the business. Measure and benchmark. Obtain incremental direction from leadership. Omit the risk assessment and business impact analysis. Prepare for effects, not causes.Adaptive Business Continuity: A New Approach uses the analogy of rebuilding a house. After the initial design, the first step is to identify and remove all the things not needed in the new house. Thus, the first chapter is “Demolition” – not to get rid of the entire BC enterprise, but to remove certain BC activities and products to provide the space to install something new. The stages continue through foundation, framework, and finishing. Finally, the last chapter is “Dwelling,” permitting you a glimpse of what it might be like to live in this new home that has been created.Through a wealth of examples, diagrams, and real-world case studies, Lindstedt and Armour show you how you can execute the Adaptive BC framework in your own organization. You will: Recognize specific practices in traditional BC that may be problematic, outdated, or ineffective. Identify specific activities that you may wish to eliminate from your practice. Learn the capability and constraint model of recoverability. Understand how Adaptive BC can be effective in organizations with vastly different cultures and program maturity levels. See how to take the steps to implement Adaptive BC in your own organization. Think through some typical challenges and opportunities that may arise as you implement an Adaptive BC approach.
Adaptive Business Continuity ~ Adaptive Business Continuity (Adaptive BC) is an alternative approach to standard continuity planning. Adaptive BC is based on the belief that the practices of standard business continuity planning have become increasingly ineffectual. Adaptive BC uses the ten principles from the Manifesto to found a new approach, synthesizing and fostering improvements and innovations from across the industry .
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The Definitive Handbook of Business Continuity Management ~ This new edition, ripe with new learning and practices, reaffirms the publication as the cornerstone of the Business Continuity practice." --Mark Carroll, Boston University "For more than a decade The Definitive Guide to Business Continuity Management has helped shaped the thinking and development of BCM around the world and it is the standard text found on most professionals bookshelves.
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Business Continuity Strategies: Protecting Against ~ Employing a thoroughly practical approach, Business Continuity Strategies: Protecting Against Unplanned Disasters, Third Edition provides a proven methodology for implementing a realistic and cost-efficient business contingency program. Kenneth Myers--an internationally recognized contingency planning specialist--shows corporate leaders how to prepare a logical "what if" plan that would enable .
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