Beschreibung Get in the Boat: A Journey to Relevance. ARE YOU IN THE BOAT?Get in the Boat addresses the #1 issue preventing companies from realizing the value of digital transformation. Technology is an important element of any transformation—but the critical piece is the technologist, who bridges the gap from creation to reality. Unfortunately, many technologists are not perceived as relevant by business leaders, nor invited to participate in critical decisions.And their company suffers.This International Best Seller faces this challenge head-on, helping business leaders and technologists to have a bright future in the same boat.Amazon Reader Reviews:“Get in the Boat…provides a practical, comprehensive framework for how technologists can connect their work to the process and business models of their companies.”“So rare to find a book that's not only a good read, but practical.”“This book teaches how to rewire the way you approach your work to ensure business relevance.”
: Get in the Boat: A Journey to Relevance eBook ~ Get in the Boat: A Journey to Relevance Kindle Edition by Pat Bodin (Author) âș Visit 's Pat Bodin Page. Find all the books, read about the author, and more. See search results for this author. Are you an author? Learn about Author Central. Pat Bodin (Author), Robert Schaffner (Author) Format: Kindle Edition. 4.9 out of 5 stars 34 ratings. See all formats and editions Hide other formats .
Get in the Boat: A Journey to Relevance: Bodin, Pat ~ In Get in the Boat, Pat Bodin provides a practical, comprehensive framework for how technologists can connect their work to the process and business models of their companies. He offers useful tools for how to navigate any organizational hierarchy to speak in a way that resonates with functional leaders and those in the C suite.
Get in the Boat: A Journey to Relevance ~ Home Get in the Boat: A Journey to Relevance. Get in the Boat: A Journey to Relevance . ARE YOU IN THE BOAT? Get in the Boat addresses the #1 issue preventing companies from realizing the value of digital transformation. Technology is an important element of any transformationâbut the critical piece is the technologist, who bridges the gap from creation to reality. Unfortunately, many .
Get In the Boat ~ Get in the Boat: A Journey to Relevance arrives at an optimum time in the industry as IT is more relevant to an organizations bottom line than ever. Making relevant decisions in shorter timeframes are a critical skillset for anyone leading IT engineering and operations, or selling into the IT organization. Itâs definitely time to Get in the Boat! Dave Scoppa . Speaking, teaching and .
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Pat Bodin - Founder and CEO - In the Boat / LinkedIn ~ Since then, Patâs interest has been in business relevance and continuous improvement. He delves deeply into these topics in his international bestseller, Get in the Boat: A Journey to Relevance .
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