Beschreibung Health - Wealth: 9 Steps to Financial Recovery. America's Healthcare Affordability Authority, Dr. Josh Luke, Is Reviving American Businesses By Sharing Tactics to Reduce Healthcare Spending.Healthcare is the only uncontrollable cost in your business. Year after year, hyperinflation in healthcarespirals out of control with no end in sight.Until now. Dr. Josh Luke is a former hospital CEO, industrydisruptor, and award-winning healthcare futuristwho breaks down America’s complex and greed-riddenhealthcare delivery system. Health-Wealth:Is Healthcare Bankrupting Your Business is the guideto understanding how your company can provideenhanced, personalized, and specialized healthcareoptions for your employees, while at the same timereducing overall spending on healthcare. Don’t lethealthcare bankrupt your business—in Health-Wealthyou will be exposed to nine simple, key steps that cantransform your company. As a healthcare industryinsider, Dr. Luke exposes the under belly of thehealthcare delivery system and provides you withtactics that could ultimately save your business frommillions of dollars in unnecessary over spending. “Once you see the savings from Dr. Luke’s steps, you will bedisappointed you waited so long!”—Robert Robinson, Jr.President Pure Effect Inc.“Dr. Luke offers priceless business strategy advice to maximizeemployee health and minimize spending.”—Alex CorenCEO Carepostcard, G20 & Women BusinessEnterprise National Council Member“I am a hospital CEO and healthcare costs are my largestuncontrollable expense and are unsustainable.”—Marie VienneauCEO of Mayo Regional Hospital
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Health Wealth 9 Steps To Financial Recovery ~ Recovery - Kindle edition by Luke, Dr. Josh. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Health - Wealth: 9 Steps To Financial Recovery. : Health - Wealth: 9 Steps To Financial Recovery . 9 Steps to Financial Recovery START THE COURSE NOW Based on the book Health-Wealth by Dr .
Health - Wealth: 9 Steps To Financial Recovery: Luke ~ Health-Wealth: 9 Steps to Financial Recovery by Dr Josh Luke provides the reader with a knowledgeable insight in providing health care to US employees. Being from the UK I found it interesting to read about how business owners in the US provides healthcare, over here in the UK some companies offer private healthcare but most of us have the NHS as we luckily don't have to worry about healthcare.
Health-Wealth Interactive Series for Business. 9 Steps to ~ 9 Steps to Financial Recovery. START THE COURSE NOW. Based on the book Health-Wealth by Dr. Josh Luke, This ten part interactive series was designed as a group exercise for your team to best identify how to identify yours organizations specific path to eliminate wasteful healthcare spending and improved employee health. The exercise is broken up into a series of modules (app. 20 -30 minutes .
: Health - Wealth: 9 Steps To Financial Recovery ~ Health - Wealth: 9 Steps To Financial Recovery - Kindle edition by Luke, Dr. Josh. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Health - Wealth: 9 Steps To Financial Recovery.
: Customer reviews: Health - Wealth: 9 Steps To ~ Health - Wealth: 9 Steps to Financial Recovery by Dr. Josh Luke is an informative look at the health care system in the United States and the way it is impacting small and large businesses. Providing healthcare for employees is one of, if not the largest, expense that businesses have to face. To make matters worse, the cost is constantly going up and it is becoming more and more challenging .
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