Beschreibung Cryptocurrency: Insider Secrets for Beginners.: 8 steps for Starting to Invest into Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, Dash, Zcash.. You don't need to dig for gold to become rich. Millions of people make money every day and watch their capital skyrocket. But, at the same time, others are losing their chances. Which one are you? A few years ago, I knew nothing about cryptocurrencies, but desperately wanted to make money. I asked everybody I knew before finally finding someone who advised me to invest in a new type of online currency. So, I did. And, to my luck, I lost my money because I based my investing solely off the trust of another person and didn't do any research. However, while I was out a few dollars, the entire experience opened my eyes to the financial potential of cryptocurrency investments. To my amazement, understanding how it works and the intricacies of this investing method was rather easy. Now, because of my investments, I have a passive stream of income and the resources to reinvest a lot of money back into the market. But the other large benefit is it gives me the possibility of having financial freedom. Because of the money I’ve made, I’ve already forgotten about my financial diet. If you’re asking yourself "to be or not to be", or you’re not sure if this is for you, this book can help you to make a decision. All the information about cryptocurrency investing that you need in this book: Cryptocurrency Investing for Dummies. It’ll give you step-by-step instructions for successful investing. Some of the things you’ll learn include: • How cryptocurrencies are used as money • Blockchain technology • Types of coins and how to make the best choice • What mining is • The benefits and risks of investing • Insider suggestions for success • Trends of the cryptocurrency market in 2018
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Staking Cryptocurrency: A Beginner's Guide on How to Stake ~ Author: Evan Ezquer Evan is a cryptocurrency investor and fundamental analyst. He discovered Bitcoin in 2010 but was only able to start investing in early 2017. Since then, he couldnât get his mind off of crypto so he decided to devote his time studying the entire industry and sharing his knowledge through his writings, and YouTube channel, Zen Crypto.
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Cryptocoin Mining for Beginners - Lifewire ~ Bitcoin, the first decentralized cryptocurrency, released in early 2009. Similar digital currencies have crept into the worldwide market since then, including a spin-off from Bitcoin called Bitcoin Cash.
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