Beschreibung Shenzhen Superstars — How China’s smartest city is challenging Silicon Valley. This short but powerful book is about the fastest growing city in history – Shenzhen. It’s the story about how a Chinese fishing village became a global economic powerhouse of innovation and technology. Just four decades ago Shenzhen was a backwater area, populated by fishermen and rice farmers. Today, it’s home to up to 20 million people and some of the world’s leading technology companies and most innovative tech startups. No other city better symbolizes the rise of modern China. And no other city challenges Silicon Valley more aggressively as the global hub for innovation and technology startups. In many ways, the Chinese city has already outsmarted the Valley. “Shenzhen has an energy of growth – the same energy I felt when I first came to Silicon Valley ten years ago. And it’s not just in technology. It’s this idea that whoever you are, whatever you’re into, you can come to China, and especially Shenzhen, and do it!” American entrepreneur Scotty Allen says in the book. Shenzhen Superstars is written for anyone who wants to be part of this raging growth story – no matter if you’re a tech buff, investor or just someone curious about knowing what’s driving the future. As a journalist for CNN, Forbes and other international media, Johan Nylander has witnessed the astonishing transformation of the south Chinese city. Its speed, energy and determination are just mind-blowing. His aim is to take you inside, to the very heart of what is shaping this vibrant city. KEY QUOTES FROM THE BOOK “In terms of hardware plus software innovation, Shenzhen is ahead of the curve.” – Jeffrey Towson, private equity investor and Peking University professor “The next ten years will be the era of robots and intelligent machines, and Shenzhen will play well to that.” – Jixun Foo, managing partner of GGV Capital “Shenzhen is just better than Silicon Valley in terms of hardware and software integration.” – Qin Li, CEO of startup Sennotech “If you’re not already in Shenzhen, you're crazy.” – Edith Yeung, general partner of 500 Startups
SHENZHEN SUPERSTARS: HOW CHINA’S SMARTEST CITY IS ~ “Shenzhen has an energy of growth – the same energy I felt when I first came to Silicon Valley ten years ago. And it’s not just in technology. It’s this idea that whoever you are, whatever you’re into, you can come to China, and especially Shenzhen, and do it!” American entrepreneur Scotty Allen says in the book.
Shenzhen Superstars – How China’s smartest city is ~ Shenzhen Superstars – How China’s smartest city is challenging Silicon Valley - Kindle edition by Nylander, Johan. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Shenzhen Superstars – How China’s smartest city is challenging Silicon Valley.
Shenzhen Superstars — How China’s smartest city is ~ His first self-published e-book "Shenzhen Superstars — How China’s smartest city is challenging Silicon Valley" became the No 1 bestseller on 's China section. For almost two decades he’s covered news from a wide range of countries. Today, he spends most of my time traveling China and neighboring countries, conducting interviews with presidents and peasants, entrepreneurs and .
Shenzhen Superstars – How China’s smartest city is ~ Shenzhen Superstars – How China’s smartest city is challenging Silicon Valley book. Read 8 reviews from the world's largest community for readers. This s.
Shenzhen Superstars – How China’s smartest city is ~ Shenzhen Superstars – How China’s smartest city is challenging Silicon Valley (English Edition) eBook: Nylander, Johan: .nl: Kindle Store
Shenzhen Superstars e-book - JOHAN NYLANDER -- ASIA ~ SHENZHEN SUPERSTARS - How China's smartest city is challenging Silicon Valley by award-winning author Johan Nylander Get it on now - click on the link. Available as e-book and paperback. For larger orders, email me at: shenzhensuperstars [at] gmail . com “A powerful book. Johan Nylander is an insightful journalist.”
(PDF) The State of Smart Cities in China: The Case of Shenzhen ~ Shenzhen grew from a fishing village into an international metropolis in 40 years, and has now won a nickname of ‘China’s Silicon Valley’ or ‘China’s smartest city’. This study .
Shenzhen Superstars is a primer on China’s rival to ~ And so, he has penned Shenzhen Superstars – How China’s smartest city is challenging Silicon Valley. “I want to tell the world about this amazing city,” he writes. “I want to tell the .
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Shenzhen: City of the Future. The high-tech life of China ~ More films about China: https://rtd.rt/tags/china/- Technology and innovation hub, Shenzhen is known as China’s “silicon valley” and “the city of the .
This Sleek Shenzhen Church Has 120 Years of History – That ~ The Pearl River Delta's tallest spire exemplifies China's rise. Book Review: Johan Nylander's 'Shenzhen Superstars' Swedish journalist Johan Nylander's explanation of "how China's smartest city is challenging Silicon Valley." Shenzhen's Ancient Walled City Turned Urban Village. Dating back to 331 CE, Nantou is still littered with detritus of a grander past. 0 User Comments . Add your Comment .
Johan Nylander - Author of “The Epic Split – Why ‘Made in ~ Author of “Shenzhen Superstars — How China’s smartest city is challenging Silicon Valley”. Shenzhen Superstars — How China’s smartest city is challenging Silicon Valley, bestselling e-book
Shenzhen becoming 'smarter' - ~ "Shenzhen stands at the forefront of development among Chinese cities, for which being a smart city is the direction for development. Shenzhen needs to make efforts to become a model in this area .
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5 Things to Know About Doing Business in Shenzhen, China ~ It's China's Silicon Valley. Thanks to the proximity of cheap parts, cheap manufacturers, cheap shipping, cheap labor, and crowdsourcing, this city may well be a founder's dreamworld.
Shenzhen: The Silicon Valley of Hardware (Full Documentary ~ Future Cities, a full-length documentary strand from WIRED Video, takes us inside the bustling Chinese city of Shenzhen. Subscribe to WIRED
Shenzhen: China waking up to Smart Cities ~ This was certainly the case with Shenzhen, a city with a population of 10 million in the province of Guangdong. I n the 1970s, it was merely a fishing village, but over the past 50 years, the sub-provincial municipality has transformed itself into a smart city and a vertical one at that, where sky-scrapers, raised highways, factories and areas of greenery now make up the urban landscape.
Above the Clouds in Shenzhen's Steel Titan: Ping An ~ The story behind Shenzhen Christian Church starts well before the city was created. Book Review: Johan Nylander's 'Shenzhen Superstars' Swedish journalist Johan Nylander's explanation of "how China's smartest city is challenging Silicon Valley."
Shenzhen becoming 'smarter' / Business / China Daily ~ The city in South China's Guangdong province is making efforts to upgrade its services and management, taking advantage of its edge in technological innovation. "We hope to become the benchmark for the country's new smart cities and raise our smart capabilities to a world-class level by 2020," said Wu You, deputy secretary-general of Shenzhen municipal government, last week.
China, Shenzhen: Geschichte, Sehenswürdigkeiten, Fotos ~ Shenzhen unter einem riesigen Park Bereich zugeordnet, so wird es einige Tage dauern, vollständig das „Window of the World“ zu erkunden, weil sein Territorium fast 50 Hektar einnimmt. Es ist in mehrere Themenbereiche unterteilt: Europa, Asien, Afrika, Amerika, Ozeanien und das Weltzentrum der modernen Wissenschaft. Berg Vutong . Nicht nur berühmt für seine Themenparks Shenzhen. China .
Shenzhen becoming 'smarter' - ~ The city in South China's Guangdong province is making efforts to upgrade its services and management, taking advantage of its edge in technological innovation. "We hope to become the benchmark for the country's new smart cities and raise our smart capabilities to a world-class level by 2020," said Wu You, deputy secretary-general of Shenzhen municipal government, last week.
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