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    Going Beyond the Call: Mental Health Fitness for Public Safety Professionals

    Beschreibung Going Beyond the Call: Mental Health Fitness for Public Safety Professionals. T.E.A.M.S. - Tactical Emotional Adversity Management SystemUsing Behavioral Sciences, Going Beyond the call encompasses the psychological, physiological and relationship impacts of stress, mental health, and social/emotional trauma has on and off the job. Members of the Public Safety Professions including, Law Enforcement, Firefighters, Fire Rescue, EMS/EMT, 911 Communications Officers, Forensics Investigators (Fire and Police) and Corrections embrace careers of high stress and higher than average risk factors. These brave men and women also have enormously high suicide rates, health ailments, depression and stress-derived negative behaviors that impact effectiveness on the job and in their personal lives. Going Beyond the Call has a mission to reduce suicide and mental health challenges within the ranks. We do this by addressing the issues from all fronts. The front-line professions gain awareness, prevention, mitigation and tactics on how to manage the guaranteed impact the stress of their career choice will have over the course of their career, on their personal life and onwards into retirement. During these past 5 years of leading workshops, we have been told, repeatedly, how critical this information is and how attendees wished they known it before launching into their professions; but the truth is, it is equally important to understand along every step of the path. Training comes at the cost of time and money; both being in short supply within these professions. Chiefs, administrators, and elected officials face annual challenges when it comes to managing budgets, as the human resources costs are significant. Mental fitness directly correlates to budget-management and Going Beyond the Call informs how this impact can be reduced. Increasingly, jurisdictions are covering PTSD as an allowable claim under workers' compensation. Recognition through medical and scientific proof are undeniably changing our understanding of how psychological trauma impacts the mind and body. The projected burden on budget dollars is incentive enough to ensure that organizations optimize their mental health training as logic and facts prove that prevention is always a wise investment. Lastly, the cost of rising lawsuits over conduct-unbecoming cases; sensationalized media reporting management; spousal-suits for lack of training related to suicide and on-the-job deaths; and recruitment and retention challenges translate to a necessary cultural shift in how agencies train, performance-manage and reduce preventable incidents. Going Beyond the Call is a solution to aid leadership in how to prevent, mitigate, and avoid the increasing financial burden that untrained members have on the bottom line. Too many families, friends, unions, professional organizations, support groups, and the caring public are disheartened by increasing suicide trends among these professions. There are many causes rallying to do something and Going Beyond the Call is one of the solutions; the mission is to reduce suicide and self-harming behaviors. Our goal is to increase mental health fitness among the ranks of these careers so that personal wellness and stress management, on-the-job performance and most importantly, home lives are improved significantly. If you want to help us and become a part of this transformative movement, your first step will be reading this book and then contacting us to ask about training and consulting workshops for your organization. Visit us: GoingBeyondTheCall.com and linkedin.com/company/gbtc

    Buch Going Beyond the Call: Mental Health Fitness for Public Safety Professionals PDF ePub

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