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    Investigative Journalism: A Survival Guide

    Beschreibung Investigative Journalism: A Survival Guide. At a time of hyper-partisanship, media fragmentation and "fake news", the work of investigative journalism has never been more important. This book explores the history and art of investigative journalism, and explains how to deal with legal bullies, crooked politicians, media bosses, big business and intelligence agencies; how to withstand conspiracy theories; and how to work collaboratively across borders in the new age of data journalism. It also provides a fascinating first-hand account of the work that went into breaking major news stories including WikiLeaks and the Edward Snowden affair.Drawing on over 40 years of experience with world-leading investigative teams at newspapers including the Guardian and The Washington Post, award-winning journalist David Leigh provides an illuminating insight into some of the biggest news events of the 20th and 21st centuries. This book is essential reading for anyone interested in the behind-the-scenes work of journalists and news organizations. It also acts as an essential practical toolkit for both aspiring and established investigative journalists.

    Buch Investigative Journalism: A Survival Guide PDF ePub

    Investigative Journalism: A Survival Guide: ~ Investigative Journalism: A Survival Guide / Leigh, David / ISBN: 9783030167516 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .

    Investigative Journalism: A Survival Guide / David Leigh ~ At a time of hyper-partisanship, media fragmentation and "fake news", the work of investigative journalism has never been more important. This book explores the history and art of investigative journalism, and explains how to deal with legal bullies, crooked politicians, media bosses, big business and intelligence agencies; how to withstand conspiracy theories; and how to work collaboratively .

    Investigative Journalism: A Survival Guide (English ~ Investigative Journalism: A Survival Guide (English Edition) eBook: David Leigh: : Kindle-Shop

    Download Investigative Journalism : A Survival Guide ~ Investigative Journalism : A Survival Guide (9783030167516).pdf writen by David Leigh: At a time of hyper-partisanship, media fragmentation and "fake news", the work of investigative journalism has never been more important. This book explores the history and art of investigative journalis

    Investigative Journalism - A Survival Guide / David Leigh ~ Investigative Journalism A Survival Guide. Authors: Leigh, David . This book explores the history and art of investigative journalism, and explains how to deal with legal bullies, crooked politicians, media bosses, big business and intelligence agencies; how to withstand conspiracy theories; and how to work collaboratively across borders in the new age of data journalism. It also provides a .

    Investigative Journalism: : De Burgh, Hugo ~ Investigative Journalism / De Burgh, Hugo / ISBN: 9780415441445 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .

    Investigative Journalism: A Survival Guide: Leigh, David ~ Investigative Journalism: A Survival Guide [Leigh, David] on . *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Investigative Journalism: A Survival Guide

    Investigative Journalism: : Burgh, Hugo de ~ Investigative Journalism / Burgh, Hugo de / ISBN: 9780415441438 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .

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    GUIDO GRANDT – Autor, TV-Redakteur & investigativer Journalist ~ Renommierter Investigativ-Journalist prangert an: „NEGATIV-BERICHT“ über JOE BIDEN wird UNTERDRÜCKT! Der US-Investigativ-Journalist Glenn Greenwald ist sehr renommiert, arbeitete einst bei der angesehenen britischen Zeitung The Guardian, bereitete die von Edward Snowden im Jahr 2013 übermittelten Dokumente zum streng geheimen NSA-Überwachungsprogramm auf (dafür erhielt u.a.

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    The Survival Guide To Journalism - ISBN: 9780335240531 ~ The Survival Guide to Journalism is aimed not only at undergraduate and post-graduate students of Journalism, but indeed anyone from any background who is interested in making a living (full or part-time) either through their writing and editorial ability Diese Produkte könnten Sie auch interessieren: Wenn Marionetten einsam sterben. von: Anne Gold. 10,99 € Der Maulwurf. von: Dani von .

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