Beschreibung Healthcare Interoperability Standards Compliance Handbook: Conformance and Testing of Healthcare Data Exchange Standards. This book focuses on the development and use of interoperability standards related to healthcare information technology (HIT) and provides in-depth discussion of the associated essential aspects. The book explains the principles of conformance, examining how to improve the content of healthcare data exchange standards (including HL7 v2.x, V3/CDA, FHIR, CTS2, DICOM, EDIFACT, and ebXML), the rigor of conformance testing, and the interoperability capabilities of healthcare applications for the benefit of healthcare professionals who use HIT, developers of HIT applications, and healthcare consumers who aspire to be recipients of safe and effective health services facilitated through meaningful use of well-designed HIT.Readers will understand the common terms interoperability, conformance, compliance and compatibility, and be prepared to design and implement their own complex interoperable healthcare information system. Chapters address the practical aspects of the subject matter to enable application of previously theoretical concepts. The book provides real-world, concrete examples to explain how to apply the information, and includes many diagrams to illustrate relationships of entities and concepts described in the text.Designed for professionals and practitioners, this book is appropriate for implementers and developers of HIT, technical staff of information technology vendors participating in the development of standards and profiling initiatives, informatics professionals who design conformance testing tools, staff of information technology departments in healthcare institutions, and experts involved in standards development. Healthcare providers and leadership of provider organizations seeking a better understanding of conformance, interoperability, and IT certification processes will benefit from this book, as will students studying healthcare information technology.
Healthcare Interoperability Standards Compliance Handbook ~ Healthcare Interoperability Standards Compliance Handbook: Conformance and Testing of Healthcare Data Exchange Standards / Oemig, Frank, Snelick, Robert / ISBN: 9783319448374 / Kostenloser Versand fĂŒr alle BĂŒcher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
eBook: Healthcare Interoperability Standards Compliance ~ The book explains the principles of conformance, examining how to improve the content of healthcare data exchange standards (including HL7 v2.x, V3/CDA, FHIR, CTS2, DICOM, EDIFACT, and ebXML), the rigor of conformance testing, and the interoperability capabilities of healthcare applications for the benefit of healthcare professionals who use HIT, developers of HIT applications, and healthcare .
Healthcare Interoperability Standards Compliance Handbook ~ Healthcare Interoperability Standards Compliance Handbook: Conformance and Testing of Healthcare Data Exchange Standards (English Edition) eBook: Oemig, Frank, Snelick, Robert: : Kindle-Shop
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Die bekanntesten Standard healthcare im Angebot 11/2020 ~ Healthcare Interoperability Standards Compliance Handbook: Conformance and Testing of Healthcare Data Exchange Standards (English Edition) My Original Standard Evidence-based Care for Breastfeeding Mothers: A Resource for Midwives and Allied Healthcare Professionals
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Healthcare Interoperability Standards Compliance Handbook ~ This book focuses on the development and use of interoperability standards related to healthcare information technology (HIT) and provides in-depth discussion of the associated essential aspects. The book explains the principles of conformance, examining how to improve the content of healthcare data exchange standards (including HL7 v2.x, V3/CDA, FHIR, CTS2, DICOM, EDIFACT, and ebXML), the .
Dokumentenstandards fĂŒr Pathologiebefundberichte in einer ~ ZurĂŒck zum Zitat Oemig F, Snelick R (2016) Healthcare interoperability standards compliance handbook â conformance and testing of Healthcare data exchange standards. Springer, Cham, Schweiz CrossRef Oemig F, Snelick R (2016) Healthcare interoperability standards compliance handbook â conformance and testing of Healthcare data exchange .
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