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    Smart Cities: The Internet of Things, People and Systems

    Beschreibung Smart Cities: The Internet of Things, People and Systems. This book presents a coherent, novel vision of Smart Cities, built around a value-driven architecture. It describes the limitations of the contemporary notion of the Smart City and argues that the next developmental step must actively include not only the physical infrastructure, but information technology and human infrastructure as well, requiring the intensive integration of technical solutions from the Internet of Things (IoT) and social computing.The book is divided into five major parts, the first of which provides both a general introduction and a coherent vision that ties together all the components that are required to realize the vision for Smart Cities. Part II then discusses the provisioning and governance of Smart City systems and infrastructures. In turn, Part III addresses the core technologies and technological enablers for managing the social component of the Smart City platform. Both parts combine state-of-the-art research with cutting-edge industrial efforts in the respective fields. Lastly, Part IV details a road map to achieving Cyber-Human Smart Cities. Rounding out the coverage, it discusses the concrete technological advances needed to move beyond contemporary Smart Cities and toward the Smart Cities of the future.Overall, the book provides an essential overview of the latest developments in the areas of IoT and social computing research, and outlines a research roadmap for a closer integration of the two areas in the context of the Smart City. As such, it offers a valuable resource for researchers and graduate students alike.

    Buch Smart Cities: The Internet of Things, People and Systems PDF ePub

    Smart Cities - The Internet of Things, People and Systems ~ The Internet of Things, People and Systems. Authors: Dustdar, Schahram, Nastić, Stefan, Ơćekić, Ognjen Free Preview. Presents a coherent, novel vision of Smart Cities, built around a value-driven architecture; Combines state-of-the-art research with cutting-edge industrial developments; Outlines a research roadmap for future Smart Cities, integrating Internet-of-Things and social computing .

    Smart Cities: The Internet of Things, People and Systems ~ Smart Cities: The Internet of Things, People and Systems [Dustdar, Schahram, Nastić, Stefan, Ơćekić, Ognjen] on . *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Smart Cities: The Internet of Things, People and Systems

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    Mastering Internet of Things - packtpub ~ The Internet of Things (IoT) is the fastest growing technology market. Industries are embracing IoT technologies to improve operational expenses, product life, and people's well-being. Mastering Internet of Things starts by presenting IoT fundamentals and the smart city. You will learn the important technologies and protocols that are used for the Internet of Things, their features .

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    The Internet of Things / Shaping Europe’s digital future ~ Smart Cities. Wireless Europe. Internet of Things (IoT) merges physical and virtual worlds, creating smart environments. The European Commission actively cooperates with industry, organisations and academic institutions in order to unleash the potential of the IoT technology across EU Member States and beyond. Internet of Things (IoT) represents the next step towards the digitisation of our .

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    Smart Building Research - Memoori ~ Smart Building Research & Thought Leadership. Why We Need to Develop Occupancy Sensor Testing for the Real World. Occupancy sensors and occupancy data analytics have promised a lot over the last decade but the number of commercial buildings that actually use them remains low.

    Towards a definition of the Internet of Things (IoT) ~ 4 2.7.3 Internet of Things: Legal Perspectives (Weber et al., 2010) 38 2.7.4 6LoWPAN: The Wireless Embedded Internet (Shelby et al, 2011) 38 2.7.5 Internet of Things: Global Technological and Societal Trends from Smart Environments and Spaces to Green ICT (Vermesan et al, editors, 2011) 38 2.7.6 Recap 38 2.8 Industrial Activities 39 2.8.1 SAP Definition 39

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