Beschreibung A Primer on Scientific Programming with Python (Texts in Computational Science and Engineering (6), Band 6). The book serves as a first introduction to computer programming of scientific applications, using the high-level Python language. The exposition is example and problem-oriented, where the applications are taken from mathematics, numerical calculus, statistics, physics, biology and finance. The book teaches "Matlab-style" and procedural programming as well as object-oriented programming. High school mathematics is a required background and it is advantageous to study classical and numerical one-variable calculus in parallel with reading this book. Besides learning how to program computers, the reader will also learn how to solve mathematical problems, arising in various branches of science and engineering, with the aid of numerical methods and programming. By blending programming, mathematics and scientific applications, the book lays a solid foundation for practicing computational science.From the reviews: Langtangen … does an excellent job of introducing programming as a set of skills in problem solving. He guides the reader into thinking properly about producing program logic and data structures for modeling real-world problems using objects and functions and embracing the object-oriented paradigm. … Summing Up: Highly recommended. F. H. Wild III, Choice, Vol. 47 (8), April 2010Those of us who have learned scientific programming in Python ‘on the streets’ could be a little jealous of students who have the opportunity to take a course out of Langtangen’s Primer.” John D. Cook, The Mathematical Association of America, September 2011This book goes through Python in particular, and programming in general, via tasks that scientists will likely perform. It contains valuable information for students new to scientific computing and would be the perfect bridge between an introduction to programming and an advanced course on numerical methods or computational science.Alex Small, IEEE, CiSE Vol. 14 (2), March /April 2012 “This fourth edition is a wonderful, inclusive textbook that covers pretty much everything one needs to know to go from zero to fairly sophisticated scientific programming in Python…” Joan Horvath, Computing Reviews, March 2015
A Primer on Scientific Programming with Python Texts in ~ A Primer on Scientific Programming with Python (Texts in Computational Science and Engineering (6), Band 6) / Langtangen, Hans Petter / ISBN: 9783662498866 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
A Primer on Scientific Programming with Python / SpringerLink ~ Besides learning how to program computers, the reader will also learn how to solve mathematical problems, arising in various branches of science and engineering, with the aid of numerical methods and programming. By blending programming, mathematics and scientific applications, the book lays a solid foundation for practicing computational science.
A Primer on Scientific Programming with Python Texts in ~ A Primer on Scientific Programming with Python (Texts in Computational Science and Engineering (6), Band 6) / Langtangen, Hans Petter / ISBN: 9783662570463 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
A Primer on Scientific Programming with Python (Texts in ~ A Primer on Scientific Programming with Python (Texts in Computational Science and Engineering Book 6) (English Edition) eBook: Langtangen, Hans Petter: : Kindle-Shop
A Primer on Scientific Programming with Python ~ A Primer on Scientific Programming with Python Hans Petter Langtangen1,2 1Center for Biomedical Computing, Simula Research Laboratory 2Department of Informatics, University of Oslo Aug 21, 2014. Preface The aim of this book is to teach computer programming using examples from mathematics and the natural sciences. We have chosen to use the Python programming language because it combines .
Texts in Computational Science and Engineering: A Primer ~ eBook Shop: Texts in Computational Science and Engineering: A Primer on Scientific Programming with Python von Hans Petter Langtangen als Download. Jetzt eBook herunterladen & mit Ihrem Tablet oder eBook Reader lesen.
A Primer on Scientific Programming with Python (Texts in ~ Langtangen has published over 100 scientific publications and written several books, including papers and the bestseller TCSE 6 "A Primer on Scientific Programming with Python", now in its 5th edition. He has also developed open source and commercial software systems for computational sciences.
(PDF) A Primer on Scientific Programming with Python ~ The book was inspired by the Springer book TCSE 6: A Primer on Scientific Programming with Python (by Langtangen), but the style is more accessible and concise, in keeping with the needs of .
A Primer on Scientific Programming with Python (Texts in ~ Langtangen has published over 100 scientific publications and written several books, including papers and the bestseller TCSE 6 "A Primer on Scientific Programming with Python", now in its 5th edition. He has also developed open source and commercial software systems for computational sciences.--This text refers to the paperback edition.
A Primer on Scientific Programming with Python (Texts in ~ Buy A Primer on Scientific Programming with Python (Texts in Computational Science and Engineering) 3rd ed. 2012 by Langtangen, Hans Petter (ISBN: 9783642302923) from 's Book Store. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders.
[PDF Download] A Primer on Scientific Programming with ~ Read A Primer on Scientific Programming with Python (Texts in Computational Science and
A Primer on Scientific Programming with Python Texts in ~ A Primer on Scientific Programming with Python Texts in Computational Science and Engineering: : Langtangen, Hans Petter: Libros en idiomas extranjeros
Scientific Computing mit Python - Grundlagen und ~ Scientific Computing, oder im Deutschen auch wissenschaftliches Rechnen, begegnet uns heute in allen Bereichen. Jeder Studierende der Mathematik wird sich früher oder später damit in der Forschung oder auch im Berufsleben konfrontiert sehen.
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A Primer on Scientific Programming with Python / SpringerLink ~ A Primer on Scientific Programming with Python. Authors (view affiliations) Hans Petter Langtangen; Textbook. 4 Citations; 1 Mentions; 119k Downloads; Part of the Texts in Computational Science and Engineering book series (TCSE, volume 6) Log in to check access. Buy eBook. USD 59.99 Instant download; Readable on all devices; Own it forever; Local sales tax included if applicable ; Learn about .
A primer on scientific programming with Python (2009 ~ A primer on scientific programming with Python This edition published in 2009 by Springer in Dordrecht [The . Texts in computational science and engineering -- 6, Texts in computational science and engineering -- 6. Classifications Dewey Decimal Class 005.1/17 Library of Congress QA76.73.P98 L34 2009 ID Numbers Open Library OL25007975M Internet Archive primeronscientif00lang_685 ISBN 10 .
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Resources for A Primer on Scientific Programming with Python ~ Resources for A Primer on Scientific Programming with Python. Hans Petter Langtangen (hpl at The 5th edition . Changes from the fourth to the fifth edition. Substantial changes were introduced in the fourth edition, and the fifth edition is primarily a consolidation of those changes. Many typos have been corrected and many explanations and exercises have been improved. The emphasis .
ScientificProgrammingBooks - Python Wiki ~ A Primer on Scientific Programming with Python. Hans Petter Langtangen ; ISBN: 3642024742, Springer, 693 pages (July 2009) An example- and problem-oriented introduction to computer programming of scientific applications. NumPy 1.5 Beginner's Guide. Ivan Idris ; ISBN: 1849515301, Packt Publishing, 234 pages (November 2011) An action-packed guide for the easy-to-use, high performance, Python .
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Numerical Methods in Engineering with Python 3: ~ Learning Scientific Programming with Python Christian Hill. 4,9 von 5 Sternen 32. Taschenbuch. 36,20 € A Primer on Scientific Programming with Python (Texts in Computational Science and Engineering (6), Band 6) Hans Petter Langtangen. 4,5 von 5 Sternen 8. Gebundene Ausgabe. 37,44 € Learn Python 3 the Hard Way: A Very Simple Introduction to the Terrifyingly Beautiful World of Computers and .
Python (Programmiersprache) – Wikipedia ~ Python ([ˈpʰaɪθn̩], [ˈpʰaɪθɑn], auf Deutsch auch [ˈpʰyːtɔn]) ist eine universelle, üblicherweise interpretierte, höhere Programmiersprache. Sie hat den Anspruch, einen gut lesbaren, knappen Programmierstil zu fördern. So werden beispielsweise Blöcke nicht durch geschweifte Klammern, sondern durch Einrückungen strukturiert.. Python unterstützt mehrere Programmierparadigmen .