Beschreibung The Accidental Office Lady: An American Woman in Corporate Japan. A young woman with a new degree in Japanese studies and plenty of youthful idealism and can-do spirit accepts a job as the first American trainee at Honda's headquarters in Tokyo. Her image of Japanese corporate life is dramatically challenged on her first day at work when she is issued a blue polyester uniform—a uniform worn only by women! From menial beginnings serving tea to executives and cleaning the boss's desk, to a stint in public relations, to developing training classes for Japanese associates going to America, Laura Kriska recounts her struggle to adapt to—and ultimately thrive in—the culture of a traditional Japanese company. Shortly before her departure, she travels full circle by introducing a successful campaign to make women's uniforms optional. Now with a new foreword by the author, The Accidental Office Lady is a vivid and valuable firsthand account not only of corporate Japan and the gender inequality that persists within it, but of an outsider's successful attempt to work within cultural boundaries to affect organizational change.
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: Customer reviews: The Accidental Office Lady ~ Based on her two-year cultural experience working at the Honda Company in Tokyo, Japan, Laura Kriska wrote her unique and insightful work titled "The Accidental Office Lady." The author was the first American woman to work at the Honda corporate headquarters in Japan. She wrote this book to which drew the readers to experience her difficulties of trying to fit in the Japanese corporate life .
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