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    The Jungle

    Beschreibung The Jungle. Upton Sinclair's The Jungle is one of the most famous and widely read books in America during the 20th century. In addition to being considered a classic, its description of slaughterhouses helped bring about the establishment of FDA regulations for the way meat is processed and handled.Sinclair hoped his book would spark a social revolution; instead it inspired the Pure Food and Drug Act, and thereby made America's food supply immeasurably safer. "Perhaps you will be surprised to be told that I failed in my purpose....I wished to frighten the country by a picture of what its industrial masters were doing to their victims; entirely by chance I had stumbled on another discovery - what they were doing to the meat-supply of the civilized world. In other words, I aimed at the public's heart, and by accident I hit it in the stomach."

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    : The Jungle Book eBook: Rudyard Kipling: Kindle ~ The Jungle Book was first published in 1894, and The Second Jungle Book in 1895, and amongst the pages we read of Mowgli, Baloo, Bagheera, Shere Khan and all the other characters that have become so well known. Not all the tales take place in this setting though as you have a tale about Inuits, a white seal, Rikki-Tikki the mongoose, other animals, and a boy who is taken to see the elephants .

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