Beschreibung Brockway, C: Glorious Hotels of India. Exclusive contributions from Dame Judi Dench, Stephen Fry, Christian Louboutin, Yasmin Le Bon, Nicholas Coleridge, Liz Hurley, Madhur Jaffrey, Melinda StevensGlorious Hotels of India is a luxury illustrated book featuring a hand-picked collection of the subcontinent's most spectacular places to stay. It gives a grand yet intimate tour of 40 properties, with half of the properties being recent openings. The majority have never been featured before in a publication of this kind. Celebrating India's splendid heritage while showcasing exciting contemporary design, each subject is captured like a jewel in a box with panoramic detail and portrait shots. Properties include historic palaces, destination spas, seductive beach resorts and romantic houseboats. With insightful and meticulously researched material, Glorious Hotels of India is a fresh, dynamic and informed book that captures the zeitgeist of various parts of India and avoids the clichéd.
Glorious Hotels of India By Cosmo Brockway & Harriet Compston ~ Glorious Hotels of India features a hand-picked collection of the subcontinent’s most spectacular places to stay. It gives a grand yet intimate tour of 40 properties, with half of the hotels being recent openings. With insightful and meticulously researched material, Glorious Hotels of India is a dynamic and informed book that captures the zeitgeist of where Indian design has evolved over .
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Book Review: Glorious Hotels of India - Outlook Traveller ~ Read up on the best places to stay in India and witness the eye-popping evolution of hotels in the country over the ages this Cosmo Brockway and Harriet Compston special
Glorious Hotels of India • Selamta ~ Glorious Hotels of India From a magnificent palace in Delhi to a design hotel in Mumbai, a new book celebrates India’s splendid heritage while showcasing exciting contemporary design Harriet Compston. Karam Puri. India’s hospitality scene, alongside the country's growing design and architecture scene, has evolved at an astonishing pace over the past decade. From restored palaces in .
.in: Accommodations - Food, Lodging & Transportation ~ Glorious Hotels of India Cosmo Brockway, . Available for immediate download. Other Formats: Paperback. 4.5 out of 5 stars 2. Great Escapes Around the World: v. 2 25 August 2009. by Angelika Taschen. Currently unavailable. The Hotel Book: Great Escapes North America (Taschen's 25th Anniversary Special Editions) 25 April 2009 . by Angelika Taschen. Paperback 1,013.22 1,111. You Save: 97.78 (8% .
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