Beschreibung British Private Aircraft: Volume One: The Re-Awakening Years 1946 - 1970. The authorÂs two-volume history of British private aircraft between the wars is the seminal work on the topic. He has now extended the story into the post-war years, and describes the many changes and developments in the industry after 1945. From being a world leader in private light aircraft, the British industry struggled and ultimately failed to compete with the US and French industries. Good ideas and projects failed to find financial backing and/or customers, old designs were developed beyond their useful life, and overall the light aircraft industry shrank and almost disappeared. How and why this happened is described in detail, by someone who was heavily involved in the industry, and suitable blame is apportioned between governments, financiers and designers!The second volume will cover in depth all the individual companies, aircraft designs and aero-engines. Both volumes are profusely illustrated with photos from the authorÂs unrivaled collection, and 3-view plans of all significant aircraft.Arthur Ord-Hume is an aviation historian of great repute, having published major books on British light- and civil aircraft amongst his many works. A pilot, historian, enthusiast and aviation advocate, he has amassed an unmatched collection of photos, drawings, illustrations and ephemera over 60+ years. He was awarded the Prestigious Royal Aero Club Award in May 2014.
British Private Aircraft - speedreaders ~ British Private Aircraft Volume I: The Re-Awakening Years 1946â1970 by Arthur W.J.G. Ord-Hume Mushroom Model Publications, 2012 [In US: Casemate] 318 pages, 700+ b/w photos, hardcover List Price: $130/ÂŁ60 ISBN-13: 978-8361421467 . British Private Aircraft 1946â70 Volume II: An A to Z of Club & Private Aeroplanes
BRITISH PRIVATE AIRCRAFT Volume One â The Re-awakening ~ BRITISH PRIVATE AIRCRAFT Volume One â The Re-awakening Years 1946-1970. Autore: Arthur W.J.G.Ord-Hume Codice: 211D040001 Richiedi informazioni Dillo ad un amico. ⏠75,00 . compra Descrive ed illustra gli aerei privati prodotti dallâindustria aeronautica britannica dal 1946 al 1970. Lâabbondante iconografia Ăš costituita da centinaia di fotografie tratte dalla incomparabile collezione .
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MMP Books » KsiÄ ĆŒki ~ British Private Aircraft Volume One The Re-awakening Years 1946-1970. Others âą 2012. Authors Arthur W.J.G. Ord-Hume ISBN 978-83-61421-46-7 Release date 2012-05-28 Series Others Cat. No. Oth. 06 Category Sold Out Category Wyprzedana Format A4, 318 pages Price 0.00 PLN Price 0.00 GBP. This comprehensive new book follows on the story of British light aircraft design and production from the .
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