Beschreibung British Private Aircraft. Volume Two: An A to Z of Club & Private Aeroplanes. Second in a two-part series on post-WW2 British light aircraft, this book describes and illustrates all the designs built and flown from 1945 on. Full technical descriptions, 3-view drawings and photos for each type, to complement the full history of the period covered in Vol 1 (which was Aeroplane magazine’s “Book of the Month” in September 2012!).An invaluable resource for all those interested in light aircraft and in the British aviation industry.Arthur Ord-Hume is an aviation historian of great repute, having published major books on British light- and civil aircraft amongst his many works. A pilot, historian, enthusiast and aviation advocate, he has amassed an unmatched collection of photos, drawings, illustrations and ephemera over 60+ years. He was awarded the Prestigious Royal Aero Club Award in May 2014.
List of aircraft of the Royal Air Force - Wikipedia ~ Many aircraft types have served in the British Royal Air Force since its formation in April 1918 from the merger of the Royal Flying Corps and Royal Naval Air Service.This is a list of RAF aircraft, including all currently active and retired types listed in alphabetic order by their RAF type name.For just those aircraft currently in service, see List of active United Kingdom military aircraft.
Fairey Fulmar - Wikipedia ~ The Fairey Fulmar was a British carrier-borne reconnaissance aircraft/fighter aircraft developed and manufactured by aircraft company Fairey Aviation.It was named after the northern fulmar, a seabird native to the British Isles.The Fulmar served with the Royal Navy's Fleet Air Arm (FAA) during the Second World War.. The design of the Fulmar was based on that of the earlier Fairey P.4/34, a .
Aircraft Scale Drawings - Aeroflight ~ Series titles: Aircraft of World War One: Volumes 1-3; Fighters of World War Two: Volumes 1-2; Bombers of World War Two; Classics of World War Two; Post-War Jets Volumes 1-3; Famous Racing and Aerobatic Planes * each book includes 25 1/72nd scale plans which have previously appeared in Scale Models or Aero Modeller. 'Flugzeugtypen' Modellsport Verlag GmbH, 1999+ Series titles cover a range of .
List of civil aircraft - Wikipedia ~ List of civil aircraft is a list of articles on civilian aircraft with descriptions, which excludes aircraft operated by military organizations in civil markings, warbirds, warbirds used for racing, replica warbirds and research aircraft.
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Plane / Definition of Plane by Oxford Dictionary on Lexico ~ ‘The volumes of two solids of the same height bear a constant ratio if the areas of the plane sections at equal heights have the same ratio.’ ‘In 1888 Schroeter published on third-order plane curves and in 1890 he published his study on fourth-order space curves.’ ‘Earlier Aronhold had worked on plane curves and the problem of the nine points of inflection of the third order plane .
Warplanes / World of Warplanes ~ Designed for maneuvering engagements, these aircraft offer the greatest variety of tactics to use. Fighters are divided into the following groups according to nation, design school, and the ways in which they can be employed in battle: (1) aircraft for vertical combat ("boom-n-zoomers"), aircraft for horizontal combat (turnfighters) and multi-role aircraft that are superior to turnfighters in .
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List of aircraft - Wikipedia ~ Soviet Combat Aircraft of the Second World War, Vol. 2: Twin-Engined Fighters, Attack Aircraft and Bombers. Motorbooks / Midland Publishing Ltd. ISBN 9781857800845 . Gordon, Yefim; Khazanov, Dmitri (1998).
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British Airways Flight 9 - Wikipedia ~ British Airways Flight 9, sometimes referred to by its callsign Speedbird 9 or as the Jakarta incident, was a scheduled British Airways flight from London Heathrow to Auckland, with stops in Bombay, Kuala Lumpur, Perth, and Melbourne.. On 24 June 1982, the route was flown by the City of Edinburgh, a Boeing 747-200.The aircraft flew into a cloud of volcanic ash thrown up by the eruption of .
Canadian Pacific Air Lines - Wikipedia ~ Canadian Pacific Air Lines was a Canadian airline that operated from 1942 to 1987. It operated under the name CP Air from 1968 to 1986. Headquartered at Vancouver International Airport in Richmond, British Columbia, it served domestic Canadian as well as international routes until it was purchased by Pacific Western Airlines and absorbed into Canadian Airlines which branded itself as Canadian .
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- Wikipedia ~ 1928 – The British ocean liner SS Vestris sank in the western Atlantic Ocean with the loss of 111 lives.; 1945 – Sudirman was elected the first commander-in-chief of the Indonesian Armed Forces.; 1970 – The deadliest tropical cyclone in history made landfall on the coast of East Pakistan (Bangladesh), killing at least 250,000 people.; 2014 – The European Space Agency lander Philae .
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