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    Fashion Details: 4000 Drawings

    Beschreibung Fashion Details: 4000 Drawings. This redesigned and full-colour second edition by best-selling author Elisabetta Drudi is an inspirational sourcebook of the drawing techniques required to render fashion details. It contains all the knowledge required to make accurate technical drawings of all imaginable variations of collars, pleats, flounces, gathers, drapes and necklines, and it includes 4,000 original fashion drawings. This title offers an extended, topic-by-topic guide to acquiring and perfecting the skills needed to produce realistic and precise fashion plates that accurately reflect a designer’s creative vision. The volume’s breadth of information and attention to detail make this worldwide bestseller an invaluable resource for designers, illustrators, artists, students and anyone who enjoys fashion design.

    Buch Fashion Details: 4000 Drawings PDF ePub

    Fashion Details: 4000 Drawings (Promopress): ~ Written by best-selling author Elisabetta Drudi, this title is an inspirational sourcebook on the techniques of drawing fashion details. It reveals everything you need to know in order to create precise drawings of elements such as collars, pleats, flounces, gathers, drapes and necklines, and it is illustrated with around 4,000 original drawings.

    Fashion Details: 4000 Drawings by Elisabetta Drudi ~ Start your review of Fashion Details: 4000 Drawings. Write a review. Apr 29, 2020 Rofida Abuelkher rated it it was amazing. It's fantastic . flag Like · see review. Jun 10, 2018 Lorena rated it really liked it. Shelves: fashion-and-illustration. Very detailed collection of detail drawing. Very useful for technical drawing. flag Like · see review. Jan 01, 2017 Elyse rated it really liked it .

    Fashion Details: 4000 Drawings by Elisabetta Drudi 2013-10 ~ Fashion Details: 4000 Drawings by Elisabetta Drudi(2013-10-01) / Elisabetta Drudi / ISBN: / Kostenloser Versand fĂŒr alle BĂŒcher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .

    Free Download: Fashion Details: 4000 Drawings by ~ Read or Download Fashion Details: 4000 Drawings Book by Elisabetta Drudi. It is one of the best seller books in this month. Avaliable format in PDF, EPUB, MOBI, KINDLE, E-BOOK and AUDIOBOOK. Fashion Details: 4000 Drawings by Elisabetta Drudi . Book Detail: Category: Book Binding: Paperback Author: Elisabetta Drudi Number of Pages: 388 Price : $24.49 Lowest Price : $11.59 Total .

    ⊶HQV Download Fashion Details 4000 Drawings Promopress PDF ~ Download Fashion Details 4000 Drawings Promopress PDF-Buchautor, Online-PDF-Bucheditor Fashion Details 4000 Drawings Promopress. Herunterladen und schnattern BĂŒcher online, ePub / PDF online / Audible / Kindle ist ein einfacher Weg, autorisieren, bĂŒcher fĂŒr viel. mit, aggressiv von Menschen, die versuchen zu beobachten Sie diese BĂŒcher in der Suchmaschine mit nicht ĂŒbereinstimmenden .

    Fashion Details : 4000 Drawings by Elisabetta Kuky Drudi ~ Fashion Details : 4000 Drawings by Elisabetta Kuky Drudi download ebook PDF, DJV, DOC. 9788492810956 English, French, Portuguese, Spanish 8492810955 Elisabetta Drudi offers an inspirational sourcebook of the drawing techniques for fashion details which contain all that is needed to know how to make accurate technical drawings of details such as collars, pleats, flounces, gathers, drapes .

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