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    Mastering Sharepoint Framework: Master the SharePoint Framework Development with Easy-to-Follow Examples (English Edition)

    Beschreibung Mastering Sharepoint Framework: Master the SharePoint Framework Development with Easy-to-Follow Examples (English Edition). A step-by-step guide to acquire knowledge of the SharePoint Framework (SPFx), build it from scratch, and gradually move towards developing practical examples. Key FeaturesMaster the concept of the SharePoint Framework (SPFx) Learn how to use various JavaScript libraries and frameworks with the SharePoint Framework Deploy SPFx solutions into CDNs (Azure Storage and O365 Public CDN)Learn SharePoint operations with SPFx Consume the Microsoft Graph and third-party APIs in SPFx Upgrade solutions from deployment scenarios Continuous integration and delivery pipelines for the SharePoint Framework solutions with Azure DevOps Develop practical scenariosDescriptionThis book aims to equip you with enough knowledge of the SharePoint Framework in conjunction with skills to use powerful tools such as Node.js, npm, Yeoman, Gulp, TypeScript, and so on to succeed in the role of a SharePoint developer.The book starts with a brief introduction to the SharePoint evolution across versions and the rise of the SharePoint Framework and the opportunities you may come across along with an overview of the key topics covered in the book.Who This Book is ForThe book is intended for anyone looking for a career in modern SharePoint, all aspiring SharePoint developers who want to learn the most powerful technique to extend the SharePoint user interface or working professionals who want to switch their career in SharePoint.Table of Contents 1. Getting Started with SharePoint Framework2. Develop Your First SPFx Web Part3. SPFx Web Part Property Pane4. Custom Controls for Web Part Property Pane5. PnP Controls for Web Part Property Pane6. CSS Considerations7. Configure SPFx Web Part Icon8. Examine SPFx Web Parts on Modern SharePoint9. Host SPFx Web Parts from MS Azure CDN10. Host SPFx Web Parts from Office 365 Public CDN11. Host SPFx Web Parts from SharePoint Document Library12. Integrating jQuery with SPFx Web Parts13. CRUD Operations with No Framework14. CRUD Operations with React JS15. CRUD Operations with Angular JS16. CRUD Operations using Knockout JS17. CRUD Operations with SP-PnP-JS18. Transition to @pnp/sp from sp-pnp-js19. SPFx Development with React JS20. React Lifecycle Events in SPFx21. AutoBind Control Events in SPFx22. Partial State Update for React-based SPFx WebParts23. Using Office UI Fabric in SPFx24. Provision SharePoint Assets in SPFx Solution25. Connect to MS Graph API with MSGraphClient26. Connect to MS Graph API with AadHttpClient27. SPFx Logging Mechanism28. Debug SPFx Solutions29. Overview of SPFx Extensions30. SPFx Extension - Application Customizer31. Extend Application Customizer with React Components32. SPFx Extension - Field Customizer33. SPFx Extension - ListView Command Set34. Anonymously Call MS Azure Functions35. Securing Azure Function with Azure Active Directory36. Consume Azure AD Secured Function with SPFx37. Implementing Separation of Concerns (SoC)38. Localization Support for SPFx39. Office 365 CLI 40. SPFx Solutions Upgrade41. SPFx Solution Upgrade with Office 365 CLI42. Common Issues and Resolutions with Upgrading npm Packages43. Extend MS Teams with SPFx44. Library Component Type 45. Develop Custom App Pages with SPFx46. Optimizing SPFx Solutions47. Unit Test with Jest and Enzyme48. DevOps For SPFxAbout the AuthorNanddeep Nachan is a results-oriented Technology Architect with over 14 years of experience in Microsoft Technologies, especially in SharePoint, Office 365, MS Azure, and Dot Net.

    Buch Mastering Sharepoint Framework: Master the SharePoint Framework Development with Easy-to-Follow Examples (English Edition) PDF ePub

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