Beschreibung Digital Transformation Know How: Connecting digital transformation, agility and leadership. What to know?In recent years, digital development has accelerated and digital turbulence is the new normal. So, it's time for a synthesis, time to bring stability to that turbulence: What have we learned? What do we know? What should we no longer have doubts about? Whether you're a CEO or a dedicated worker, you have an important role to play in your organisation's digital transformation. But it's hard when you don't have a common frame of reference or common language. What's the big picture? How do things align? How can you contribute?This book offers you a practical perspective on six critical elements of successful digital transformation design: Strategy for the digital age Digital transformation invests in strengthening the core and growing the more - page 25. Customer experience design Great customer experience emerges from the way you solve your customers' problems - page 45. Data and analytics Giving data hands and feet is crucial to the success of a digital transformation - page 65. Digital partnership strategies Combinatorial innovation drives digital partnerships, but they still must be earned - page 85. Digital transformation leadership Technology skills are an organisation's ticket to ride, agility its ticket to heaven - page 105. Scaling agility The paradox involved in scaling agility is introducing fast flexibility and stability at the same time - page 133
Digital transformation: 3 tips to counter change fatigue ~ This can lead to burnout, distrust of leadership, and lack of motivation. Playing catch up with digital transformation? In this year of unprecedented change, change fatigue feels inevitable. Without the opportunity to anticipate and prepare for the challenges businesses face, many organizations are playing catch-up with their own transformations. [ Are you over-communicating and not engaging .
Digital transformation: A manifesto for moving from good ~ Digital transformation means it no longer makes sense to distinguish âbusinessâ from âtechnologyâ or to seek alignment between those two functions. Today, business and technology are the same â you can't have one without the other. It also no longer makes sense to charter and execute âtechnology projects.â
Digital transformation: 5 truths of successful leadership ~ Digital transformation shouldnât start with only technology; digital transformation should begin with a problem statement, a clear opportunity, or an aspirational goal. The âwhyâ of your organizationâs digital transformation might be around improving customer experience, reducing friction, increasing productivity, or elevating profitability, for example.
18 Must-Read Digital Transformation Books for 2020 â BMC Blogs ~ Linda Luu is a consultant and Head of Digital Transformation at ThoughtWorks. For two decades, Linda has helped organizations around the world with digital transformation particularly in the areas of design thinking, big data and analytics, portfolio management, and agile delivery. David Robinson is a Principal Consultant at ThoughtWorks. David .
Leadership Drives Digital Transformation Success - DevOps ~ The survey, which spanned 900 IT executives across nine countries, also found what Fujitsu believes are the factors of success in digital transformation: leadership, ecosystem, empowered people, a culture of agility, the value from data and business integration. These are all the organizational capabilities Fujitsu identified as necessary for successful digital transformation and calls them .
Digital transformation in a pandemic world: 4 questions to ~ Simply put, organizations must have a digital presence in order to stay relevant to customers and remain competitive in the marketplace. Nimble, fast, and consistent. Setting the stage for digital transformation requires visionary and consistent leadership that works with a clear goal â the âwhyâ of the strategy â in mind.
Is agile the answer to Digital Transformation / BAE Systems ~ It seems that for many of the leaders we have spoken to thus far, the answer to getting agile right lies not in sticking rigidly to a puristâs approach, but in first addressing an organisationâs unique digital transformation requirements â in terms of goals, culture, existing working practices and wider context â a fact that has led Alok Raj to talk about his âown interpretation of .
eBook: Digital Platform for a Connected Enterprise / Newgen ~ Building a Connected Enterprise. Digital Transformation is not about Digital Technologies. Itâs about Orchestration. Itâs about Connect. Know how you can become truly digital by connecting your organizationâs resources. Digital Platform for a Connected Enterprise. Download the eBook to decode the core elements of a Digital Platform and choose the right capabilities for your digital .
10 books to help you lead digital transformation ~ While many digital transformation efforts in the news center on Silicon Valley tech stars, 2014's Leading Digital explains how digital tools such as analytics, social media, and cloud computing .
DIGITALISIERUNG. INNOVATIONEN. CHANCEN. ~ KNOW-HOW NETWORKING. DigitaL & Sicher. Willkommen bei der #diwodo20. Die #diwodo20 ist Geschichte. Vom 2. bis 6. November 2020 konnten Besucher*innen um die 170 Events besuchen, dieses Jahr erstmals alle digital. Wir danken allen, die eine Veranstaltung beigetragen haben, allen GÀsten und allen, die diese Woche möglich gemacht haben! In Dortmund ist DigitalitÀt mehr als nur Einser und .
Understand your workforceâs digital readiness ~ Embracing the digital transformation enables employees to navigate the digital world of work successfully and to feel comfortable in a digital environment. Identify Digital Talent. Spot digital talent gaps and identify those who are ready to work in the future. Build Digital Competence . Share and internalize digital knowledge to grow an agile business and be ahead of the digital .
How agility, collaboration, and accountability go wrong ~ Get the digital transformation eBook: Teaching an elephant to dance. ] Agility. Agility becomes extreme (and unbalanced) when you follow established rituals too rigidly. This leaves no room for adjusting to the zeitgeist, and you will often find yourself having meetings for the sake of having meetings. Rigidity is an enemy of agility â you .
What is Digital Transformation? / Micro Focus ~ The companyâs unique point of view on Digital Transformation is that most initiatives have a common thread. While organizations recognize that they must evolve their IT practices to stay competitive, they also know that the core business systems and supporting processes they have developed over time are the lifeblood of the organization.
Leaders for a digital transformation - Korn Ferry ~ Digital transformation leaders. Talent that is born digital versus those who go digital often pursue different roles and professional trajectories. Executives who are digital natives often hold roles that call for deep expertise and are more singularly focused (they dive deep into one project). They differ, too, in their competencies, traits, and drivers (see Figure 1). They tend to be .
Deloitte's Agile Transformation Approach ~ Building blocks of an agile transformation Initiating an enterprise -level transformation requires a holistic approach. Agile transformation program. Operating model and alignment. Architecture and DevOps . Organization design. Training. Coaching. Team process and practices. A future operating model that can help drive alignment across the enterprise through: End-to-end business and IT .
Agile Transformation / Agile Through Culture ~ Buch: "Agiles FĂŒhren - FĂŒhrungskompetenzen fĂŒr die agile Transformation" von Puckett & Neubauer Mit der Stimme von Prof. Michael R. Wade und Monika Waber, Head of Organisational & People Development bei Swiss Re Digitale Transformati.
EDGE â Value-driven digital transformation / ThoughtWorks ~ Itâs refreshing to read a book that goes beyond the âbase campâ of agility. So often we get to Scrum or some framework and then stop. True digital transformation is much more, and this book by Highsmith, Luu, and Robinson captures what every manager needs to know if we want to scale these challenging heights.
Digital transformation for governments - Cisco ~ With digital transformation, countries and communities around the world can reduce costs, improve government operational efficiency, and enhance citizen services. Cisco, along with our ecosystem partners, is helping government organizations transform processes, implement a secure architecture, and deliver visionary solutions. Cisco serves:
Supply Chain Software / Strategic Digital Supply Chain ~ E2openâs multi-enterprise network, known as E2net, makes it simple to get the real-time, granular data from internal and partner systems that is required to better manage all tiers of manufacturing, distribution and logistics. E2net connects these ecosystems to provide a digital representation of your physical supply chain and sales channel, from initial materials sourcing to consumer .
Digital Business Leadership - Digitale Transformation ~ Digital Business Leadership Digitale Transformation â GeschĂ€ftsmodell-Innovation â agile Organisation â Change-Management. Autoren: Kreutzer, Ralf T., Neugebauer, Tim, Pattloch, Annette Vorschau. Hochaktuell. Handlungsleitend. Methodisch und theoretisch fundiert. Dieses Buch kaufen eBook 39,99 ⏠Preis fĂŒr Deutschland (Brutto) eBook kaufen ISBN 978-3-658-11914-0; Versehen mit .
Digital Innovation for Intelligent Manufacturing ~ Digital Readiness is the Foundation for IX Success. Read this ebook to know about the global survey conducted by LNS Research in December 2018 in which survey data reveals about the exact status of digital readiness for Industrial Transformation (IX) p. Learn More Download Pentaho. Read Our Blogs. Get Support. Find Training. Find a Partner. EXPLORE; Enterprise Storage DataOps IoT Lumada Data .
Boston Consulting Group / Management Consulting / BCG ~ The Why of Digital Transformation By Martin Reeves The technology agenda fits with a broader strategic agenda to embrace and thrive amid uncertainty and complexity, instead of trying to engineer them away. Learn from the Best in Organizational Transformation By Reinhard Messenböck The pandemic is forcing companies to be more sure-footed in their change efforts. Here are insights from those .
What is digital transformation? A necessary disruption / CIO ~ Digital transformation is a foundational change in how an organization delivers value to its customers. Here is what transformation entails, along with tips to ensure your company is on the .
Customer Experience in the Financial Sector - Digital ~ They know dataâs value and will reward the financial providers who offer high security and real value in return for it. To keep that hard-earned trust through digital and increase customer loyalty, the shift to digital channels requires a new approach to omnichannel strategies, stitching the existing channels together and removing friction.
Transformationale FĂŒhrung â Wikipedia ~ Transformationale FĂŒhrung ist ein Konzept fĂŒr einen FĂŒhrungsstil, bei dem durch das Transformieren (lat.: transformare â umformen, umgestalten) von Werten und Einstellungen der GefĂŒhrten â hinweg von egoistischen, individuellen Zielen, in Richtung langfristiger, ĂŒbergeordneter Ziele â eine Leistungssteigerung stattfinden soll. . Transformationale FĂŒhrungskrĂ€fte versuchen, ihre .