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    Everyone Else Must Fail: The Unvarnished Truth About Oracle and Larry Ellison (English Edition)

    Beschreibung Everyone Else Must Fail: The Unvarnished Truth About Oracle and Larry Ellison (English Edition). Karen Southwick’s unauthorized account provides the full story of Larry Ellison’s brilliant, controversial career. Ellison’s drive and fierce ambition created Oracle out of the dust and built it into one of America’s great technology companies, but his unpredictable management style keeps it constantly on the edge of both success and disaster. The hostile bid for PeopleSoft is just the most recent example. With one clever strategic move, Larry Ellison threw much of the business software field into play.The saying “It’s not enough that I succeed, everyone else must fail” has been so often used by or associated with Ellison that most people think it originated with him. It’s actually attributed to Genghis Khan, but it’s a dead-on way to describe not only the way Ellison thinks about competitors but the way he runs Oracle. His weapons are not marauding hordes, but Oracle’s possession of database technology that is crucial for keeping mission-critical information flows working at thousands of organizations, corporations, nonprofits, and government agencies. Inside Oracle, Ellison has time and again systematically purged key operating, sales, and marketing people who got too powerful for his comfort. Most notable was Ray Lane, Oracle’s president for nine years, who was widely credited with bringing order out of the chaos that was Oracle in the early nineties and growing it into a ten billion dollar company. Ellison got rid of the one key person who was building confidence with Wall Street, business partners, and customers that Oracle was no longer flying by the seat of its pants and had its act together. Ellison’s mania for absolute control and his inability to coexist with the very lieutenants who bring much-needed stability to the company have brought Oracle to the brink of collapse before, and may well do it again. Ellison is a throwback to an earlier, much more freewheeling version of capitalism, the kind practiced by the nineteenth-century robber barons who ran their companies as private fiefdoms. Larry Ellison is one of the most intriguing and dominant leaders of a major twenty-first-century corporation, and Everyone Else Must Fail raises the question of whether Oracle’s products and the reliance placed in them by so many are too important to be subject to the whims of one man. While giving credit to Ellison’s brilliance and devotion, the book sounds a warning about an ingenious man’s tendency to be his own company’s worst enemy.

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    Everyone Else Must Fail: The Unvarnished Truth About ~ Everyone Else Must Fail: The Unvarnished Truth About Oracle and Larry Ellison - Ebook written by Karen Southwick. Read this book using Google Play Books app on your PC, android, iOS devices. Download for offline reading, highlight, bookmark or take notes while you read Everyone Else Must Fail: The Unvarnished Truth About Oracle and Larry Ellison.

    Everyone else must fail : the unvarnished truth about ~ Everyone else must fail : the unvarnished truth about Oracle and Larry Ellison Item Preview remove-circle Share or Embed This Item. . Openlibrary_edition OL24206471M Openlibrary_work OL15139023W Page-progression lr Pages 332 Ppi 400 Related-external-id urn:isbn:0712621482 urn:oclc:465477629 urn:oclc:56467684 urn:isbn:1400052319 urn:oclc:54886008 urn:oclc:869563304 Scandate 20100106160701 .

    Everyone else must fail : the unvarnished truth about ~ Get this from a library! Everyone else must fail : the unvarnished truth about Oracle and Larry Ellison. [Karen Southwick] -- Karen Southwick's unauthorized account provides the full story of Larry Ellison's brilliant, controversial career. Ellison's drive and fierce ambition created Oracle out of the dust and built it into .

    Everyone Else Must Fail The Unvarnished Truth About Oracle ~ unvarnished truth about oracle and larry ellison isbn kostenloser versand fur alle bucher mit versand und verkauf duch larry ellison is one of the most intriguing and dominant leaders of a major twenty first century corporation and everyone else must fail raises the question of whether oracles products and the reliance placed in them by so many are too important to be subject to the .

    Everyone Else Must Fail The Unvarnished Truth About Oracle ~ everyone else must fail the unvarnished truth about oracle and larry ellison Sep 09, 2020 Posted By Denise Robins Media TEXT ID c761b6f5 Online PDF Ebook Epub Library the unvarnished truth about oracle and larry ellison sep 04 2020 posted by gerard de villiers media publishing text id 776596fd online pdf ebook epub library warning about

    Everyone Else Must Fail The Unvarnished Truth About Oracle ~ everyone else must fail the unvarnished truth about oracle and larry . truth about oracle and larry ellison by karen southwick 2003 11 11 karen southwick isbn kostenloser versand fur alle bucher mit versand und verkauf duch larry ellison is one of the most intriguing and dominant leaders of a major twenty first century corporation and everyone else must fail raises the question of .

    Everyone Else Must Fail The Unvarnished Truth About Oracle ~ everyone else must fail the unvarnished truth about oracle and . truth about oracle and larry ellison by karen southwick 2003 11 11 karen southwick isbn kostenloser versand fur alle bucher mit versand und verkauf duch larry ellison is one of the most intriguing and dominant leaders of a major twenty first century corporation and everyone else must fail raises the question of whether .

    Everyone Else Must Fail: The Unvarnished Truth About ~ Larry Ellison is one of the most intriguing and dominant leaders of a major twenty-first-century corporation, and<b> Everyone Else Must Fail</b> raises the question of whether Oracle’s products and the reliance placed in them by so many are too important to be subject to the whims of one man. While giving credit to Ellison’s brilliance and devotion, the book sounds a warning about an .

    Everyone Else Must Fail: The Unvarnished Truth About ~ Everyone Else Must Fail: The Unvarnished Truth About Oracle and Larry Ellison [Southwick, Karen] on . *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Everyone Else Must Fail: The Unvarnished Truth About Oracle and Larry Ellison

    Everyone Else Must Fail The Unvarnished Truth About Oracle ~ unvarnished truth about oracle and larry ellison english edition ebook karen southwick de kindle shop larry ellison is one of the most intriguing and dominant leaders of a major twenty first century corporation andb everyone else must fail b raises the question of whether oracles products and the reliance placed in them by so many are too important to be subject to the whims of one man .

    Everyone Else Must Fail: The Unvarnished Truth About ~ Everyone Else Must Fail: The Unvarnished Truth About Oracle and Larry Ellison (English Edition) eBook: Karen Southwick: : Kindle-Shop

    Everyone Else Must Fail: The Unvarnished Truth About ~ Everyone else must fail" has been associated with Larry Ellison so often that most people think it originated with him. Actually, it came centuries ago with Genghis Khan. Ellison has referred to the quote in conversations, then laughed rather unconvincingly and tried to distance himself from the sentiment. But it sticks nonetheless. For Ellison, the founder and chief executive of Oracle .