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    Routledge Handbook of Sport Management (Routledge International Handbooks) (English Edition)

    Beschreibung Routledge Handbook of Sport Management (Routledge International Handbooks) (English Edition). The Routledge Handbook of Sport Management is the most up-to-date and comprehensive guide to theory and practice in sport management ever published. It provides students and scholars with a broad ranging survey of current thinking in contemporary sport management, exploring best practice in core functional areas and identifying important future directions for new research. Key topics covered in the book include:managing performancemarketinghuman resource managementthe economics and finance of sportstrategymanaging changegovernance of sports organizationscustomer relationsbranding and retail.With contributions from leading scholars and professionals from around the world, the book illustrates the global nature of contemporary sport business and highlights the opportunities and challenges for managers operating in an international market place. Representing a definitive survey of contemporary issues in sport management, this is an essential reference for all students, scholars and practitioners working in sport.

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    Routledge International Handbooks - Book Series ~ Routledge & CRC Press Series: Routledge International Handbooks. Edited By John Devaney, Caroline Bradbury-Jones, Rebecca J. Macy, Carolina Øverlien, Stephanie Holt March 18, 2021. This book makes an important contribution to the international understanding of domestic violence and shares the latest knowledge of what causes and sustains domestic violence between intimate partners, as well as .

    Routledge Handbook of Sport Management Routledge ~ The Routledge Handbook of Sport Management is the most up-to-date and comprehensive guide to theory and practice in sport management ever published. It provides students and scholars with a broad ranging survey of current thinking in contemporary sport management, exploring best practice in core functional areas and identifying important future directions for new research. Key topics covered in the book include:

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