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    Media Strategies for Marketing Places in Crisis (English Edition)

    Beschreibung Media Strategies for Marketing Places in Crisis (English Edition). Growing competition between countries and cities over attracting infrastructure, investment, tourists, capital and national and international status mean that today, a negative image is more harmful than ever. Whatever the cause of the negative image, places perceived as dangerous, frightening, or boring are at a distinct disadvantage. Many decision makers and marketers stand by helplessly, frustrated by their knowledge that in most cases, their city's negative image is not based on well-grounded facts. Given that stereotypes are not easily changed or dismissed, the challenge facing these decision makers is great. Analyses of many case studies show interesting examples of places that tried to change a negative image into a positive one, in order to bringing back tourists, investors and residents. Although a great deal of knowledge about crisis communications has accumulated in recent years, very little has been written about strategies to improve places' negative images. The aim of "Media Strategies for Marketing Places in Crisis" is to discuss the various dimensions of an image crisis and different strategies to overcome it, both in practice and theory. "Media Strategies for Marketing Places in Crisis" is based on the careful analysis of dozens of case studies, advertisements, public relations campaigns, press releases, academic articles, news articles, and the websites of cities, countries and tourist destinations.

    Buch Media Strategies for Marketing Places in Crisis (English Edition) PDF ePub

    Media Strategies for Marketing Places in Crisis ~ Media Strategies for Marketing Places in Crisis Improving the Image of Cities, Countries and Tourist Destinations Eli Avraham and Eran Ketter AMSTERDAM • BOSTON • HEIDELBERG • LONDON • NEW .

    Media Strategies for Marketing Places in Crisis ~ The aim of "Media Strategies for Marketing Places in Crisis" is to discuss the various dimensions of an image crisis and different strategies to overcome it, both in practice and theory. "Media Strategies for Marketing Places in Crisis" is based on the careful analysis of dozens of case studies, advertisements, public relations campaigns, press releases, academic articles, news articles, and .

    Media Strategies for Marketing Places in Crisis: Improving ~ "In summary, Media Strategies for Marketing Places in Crisis is a well-planned and meticulously structured book. It is clearly written and its logic is easy to follow. Avarham and Ketter succinctly and successfully synthesise various destination crisis management literature and publications into an informative model and propose 24 media strategies. The book uses hundreds of case studies and/or .

    Book review: Media Strategies for Marketing Places in Crisis ~ Many tourism books written by academics tend to be heavy going for most tourism professionals. Consequently, it was with great relief that Media Strategies for Marketing Places in Crisis by El .

    Media Strategies for Marketing Places in Crisis (豆瓣) ~ "Media Strategies for Marketing Places in Crisis" is based on the careful analysis of dozens of case studies, advertisements, public relations campaigns, press releases, academic articles, news articles, and the websites of cities, countries and tourist destinations. * Takes a communications approach to crisis management and recovery

    Media Strategies for Marketing Places in Crisis ~ Media Strategies for Marketing Places in Crisis is well written and very easy read. From the point of view of a tourism industry professional, this book is an invaluable reference for destination marketers, tour operators, airlines, hoteliers and cruise companies. Avraham and Ketter have made a valuable contribution to the growing body of literature on tourism crisis management, but their book .

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