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    Release Me: Stark Series Book 1 (Stark Trilogy) (English Edition)

    Beschreibung Release Me: Stark Series Book 1 (Stark Trilogy) (English Edition). The first in an irresistible, erotic, emotionally charged romance trilogy for fans of Fifty Shades of Grey and Bared To You of a powerful man who's never heard 'no', a fiery woman who says 'yes' on her own terms and an unforgettable indecent proposal...He was the one man I couldn't avoid. And the one man I couldn't resist. Damien Stark could have his way with any woman. He was sexy, confident, and commanding: anything he wanted, he got. And what he wanted was me.Our attraction was unmistakable, almost beyond control, but as much as I ached to be his, I feared the pressures of his demands. Submitting to Damien meant I had to bare the darkest truth about my past - and risk breaking us apart.But Damien was haunted, too. And as our passion came to obsess us both, his secrets threatened to destroy him - and us - for ever.Find out how it all began for Damien and Nikki in J. Kenner's hot and addictive bestselling Stark series: Release Me, Claim Me, Complete Me, Take Me, Have Me, Play My Game, Seduce Me and Unwrap Me.Return to the smoking hot Stark world with the Stark International trilogy: Say My Name, On My Knees and Under My Skin is the explosively emotional story of Jackson Steele and Sylvia Brooks.Don't miss J. Kenner's sizzling Most Wanted series of three enigmatic and powerful men, and the striking women who can bring them to their knees: Wanted, Heated and Ignited.

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