Beschreibung Tourism: A Community Approach (RLE Tourism) (Routledge Library Editions: Tourism) (English Edition). Written in 1989 when the modern tourist industry had reached a crucial stage in its development, when increased mobility and affluence had led to more extensive and extravagant travel, and competition within the industry had intensified, this book is comprehensive examination of tourism development. The author provides a new perspective for its evaluation, and a suggested strategy for its continued development and evolution. He examines tourism from the viewpoint of destination areas and their aspirations, and recommends an ecological, community approach to developing and planning – one which encourages local initiative, local benefits, and a tourism product in harmony with the local environment and its people.
Tourism: A Community Approach (RLE Tourism): Murphy, Peter ~ At an early stage, he had a clear understanding for the necessity of taking into account the implications of tourism on the community. Now, I find myself in the centre of decision-making - how to plan regional tourism development in the future and I recall Murphy's work. And want to know- has he done more work of a similar kind on social and cultural impacts of tourism. This, I think, is the .
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Marketing Tourism Places (RLE Tourism) eBook by ~ Tourism is well established as an important part of the new service economy, and the rewards it offers have stimulated intense competition in the tourism industry. Many destinations compete to attract potential tourists, each place having to work hard to distinguish itself from rivals offering similar or alternative attractions. This book, originally published in 1990, explores how .
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Covid-19: Putting people first - World Tourism Organization ~ The tourism sector is committed to putting people and their wellbeing first. As the United Nations agency leading tourism’s contribution to sustainable development, UNWTO issued a joint statement with WHO, the lead UN agency for the global response to COVID-19. Both organizations call for responsibility and heightened coordination to ensure that health measures are implemented in ways that .
Making Tourism More Sustainable - A Guide for Policy ~ The Guide defines what sustainability means in tourism, what are the effective approaches for developing strategies and policies for more sustainable tourism, the tools that would make the policies work on the ground, and it presents selected case studies. The publication is aimed primarily at governments, at national or local level, while being also relevant to international development .
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