Beschreibung Why Fashion Matters (English Edition). Fashion matters to the economy, to society and to each of us personally. What we wear tells the story of who we are or who we want to be more quickly than anything else. Yet even as fashion touches the lives of each and every one of us, it can seem mysterious. Accessible, instructive and hugely enjoyable, this book will be essential reading for anyone involved in fashion, business, education and beyond.Frances Corner is Head of London College of Fashion and a leading expert on this rapidly expanding, increasingly global, always exciting industry so is ideally placed to guide readers into this dizzying world.In 101 provocative entries she teases out the intricacies and contradictions of an industry that simultaneously values technology and craft, timeless style and fast fashion, the bespoke and the mass-market, consumption and sustainability, cold-hard numbers and creative expression. From 'Karl Lagerfeld and High-Tech Fur' to 'The White Shirt' to 'The One Trillion Dollar Business', each of the 101 provocative entries offers a unique avenue into fashion and its impact, both positive and negative, around the globe.
Corner, F: Why Fashion Matters: : Corner, Frances ~ In Why Fashion Matters Frances Corner, Head of London College of Fashion, guides readers into the dizzying world of this rapidly expanding, increasingly global, always exciting industry.In provocative and intriguing entries, Corner teases out the glorious intricacies and contradictions of an industry that simultaneously values technology and craft; timeless style and fast fashion; the bespoke .
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