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    The Smartphone: Anatomy of an Industry (English Edition)

    Beschreibung The Smartphone: Anatomy of an Industry (English Edition). A technology reporter’s behind-the-scenes history of the device that has taken over our lives.   How have smartphones shaped the way we socialize and interact? Who tracks our actions, our preferences, our movements as recorded by our smartphones? These are just some of the questions that Elizabeth Woyke, a journalist who has covered the industry for Bloomberg Businessweek, Forbes, and MIT Technology Review, addresses in this book.   Including photos and an in-depth look at the early decades of mobile communication, The Smartphone offers not only a step-by-step account of how smartphones are designed and manufactured but also a bold exploration of the darker side of this massive industry, including the exploitation of labor, the disposal of electronic waste, and the underground networks that hack and smuggle smartphones.   Featuring interviews with key figures in the development of the smartphone and expert assessments of the industry’s main players—Apple, Google, Microsoft, and Samsung—The Smartphone is the perfect introduction to this most personal of gadgets. Your smartphone will never look the same again.   “The author does a good job explaining the relationships among the makers, carriers and developers, and she delivers an engrossing chapter on design trends.” —Kirkus Reviews

    Buch The Smartphone: Anatomy of an Industry (English Edition) PDF ePub

    The Smartphone: Anatomy of an Industry by Elizabeth Woyke ~ Start by marking “The Smartphone: Anatomy of an Industry” as Want to Read: . Jan 19, 2020 Michael rated it really liked it · review of another edition. Shelves: all-kindle, cloud-computing, history-technology, tech-books. For anyone who has owned a cellphone or smartphone over the past several decades, this book is a fascinating, enlightening, and dare I say nostalgic read. Woyke spans .

    The Smartphone: Anatomy of an Industry Kindle Edition ~ The Smartphone: Anatomy of an Industry - Kindle edition by Woyke, Elizabeth. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading The Smartphone: Anatomy of an Industry.

    The smartphone : anatomy of an industry (Book, 2014 ~ Get this from a library! The smartphone : anatomy of an industry. [Elizabeth Woyke] -- "We think we know everything about our smartphones. We use them constantly. We depend on them for every conceivable purpose. We are familiar with every inch of their compact frames. But there is more .

    : The Smartphone: Anatomy of an Industry ~ The Smartphone: Anatomy of an Industry Paperback . Elizabeth Woyke (Author) 4.7 out of 5 stars 10 ratings. See all formats and editions Hide other formats and editions. Price New from Used from Kindle "Please retry" $10.99 — — Paperback, Illustrated "Please retry" $14.91 . $6.99: $3.55: Kindle $10.99 Read with Our Free App Paperback $14.91 24 Used from $3.55 9 New from $6.99 A technology .

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