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    Restaurant Startup: A Practical Guide (3rd Edition) (English Edition)

    Beschreibung Restaurant Startup: A Practical Guide (3rd Edition) (English Edition). Do you dream of starting your own restaurant?Venturing into the restaurant business is the popular choice of many prospective entrepreneurs today. Yet of all the eateries cropping up at a rapid pace, only a few survive!The 3rd Edition includes two new chapters, more articles and several other updates.Discover how to manage risks associated with the business and make well informed choices for your startup.If you simply wish to get a reality check on the trade, use this book as a primer.If you are a serious entrepreneur looking to realise your restaurant dream, this book will help you develop a roadmap.If you are a hospitality student or academician keen to revisit your understanding, this book will serve as a reference source.I have packed in information on the nuts and bolts of the restaurant industry as well as techniques to handle money, marketing, manpower and operational issues. I have shared proven techniques and strategies honed by hospitality professionals over decades, many of which I've used when conceptualizing and developing several food businesses.Whether you are a businessman with no knowledge of restaurants, a practising professional or an industry student, this book will help you avoid painful mistakes and do it right the first time....

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