Beschreibung Casino Slot Analysis Simplified: Brief Tutorial in Slot Terms (Management Through My Life Book 2) (English Edition). Daniel Hansen has been in the tribal gaming industry since 1997. When attempting to train new people on slot accounting or even give a brief overview of slot accounting Daniel found only expensive and advanced statistical books, which held more information then a novice really required. This book you are about to read will focus on the very basics of slot accounting, settings, placement, and just how the day to day analysis works. A guide to the basic terms and numbers within the industry and how to apply those to understand a casino floor. It is designed for beginners and people who just want a basic understanding of what all the numbers mean. This is not for the advanced slot analyst, but for those who just want to learn the basics of how it all works and be able to have a conversation with the numbers.Author's Note:"I hope you enjoy this book, as slot accounting is one of my favorite things in the world to do, it is filled with nuisances and leaps of understanding that few other number based statistics have. It is a science and an art form all rolled into one, and it allows you to build and maintain a thing of beauty, a temple of gold." ~
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