Beschreibung Summary: The Amazon Way: Review and Analysis of Rossman's Book (English Edition). The must-read summary of John Rossman's book: "The Amazon Way: 14 Leadership Principles Behind the World’s Most Disruptive Company".This complete summary of the ideas from John Rossman's book "The Amazon Way" reveals the leadership ‘secrets’ behind one of the biggest companies in the world. These fourteen leadership principles include obsessing over the customer, thinking big and always insisting on the highest standards. These expectations are applied to all decision-making processes in the business and are used every day by every employee.Added-value of this summary:• Save time • Find out the leadership ‘secrets’ that guide decision-making at Amazon• Implement these principles in your own business to drive successTo learn more, read “The Amazon Way” and find out how you can follow the leadership principles used every day in this global company!
: Summary: The Way: Review and Analysis ~ This complete summary of the ideas from John Rossman's book "The Way" reveals the leadership âsecretsâ behind one of the biggest companies in the world. These fourteen leadership principles include obsessing over the customer, thinking big and always insisting on the highest standards. These expectations are applied to all decision-making processes in the business and are used every day by every employee.
Summary: The Way: Review and Analysis of Rossman's ~ This complete summary of the ideas from John Rossman's book "The Way" reveals the leadership 'secrets' behind one of the biggest companies in the world. These fourteen leadership principles include obsessing over the customer, thinking big and always insisting on the highest standards. These expectations are applied to all decision-making processes in the business and are used every day by every employee.
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