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    Smuggler's Cove: Exotic Cocktails, Rum, and the Cult of Tiki (English Edition)

    Beschreibung Smuggler's Cove: Exotic Cocktails, Rum, and the Cult of Tiki (English Edition). Martin and Rebecca Cate, founders and owners of Smuggler’s Cove (the most acclaimed tiki bar of the modern era) take you on a colorful journey into the lore and legend of tiki: its birth as an escapist fantasy for Depression-era Americans; how exotic cocktails were invented, stolen, and re-invented; Hollywood starlets and scandals; and tiki’s modern-day revival, in this James Beard Award-winning cocktail book. Featuring more than 100 delicious recipes (original and historic), plus a groundbreaking new approach to understanding rum, Smuggler’s Cove is the magnum opus of the contemporary tiki renaissance. Whether you’re looking for a new favorite cocktail, tips on how to trick out your home tiki grotto, help stocking your bar with great rums, or inspiration for your next tiki party, Smuggler’s Cove has everything you need to transform your world into a Polynesian Pop fantasia. Make yourself a Mai Tai, put your favorite exotica record on the hi-fi, and prepare to lose yourself in the fantastical world of tiki, one of the most alluring—and often misunderstood—movements in American cultural history.

    Buch Smuggler's Cove: Exotic Cocktails, Rum, and the Cult of Tiki (English Edition) PDF ePub

    Smuggler's Cove: Exotic Cocktails, Rum, and the Cult of ~ Smuggler's Cove: Exotic Cocktails, Rum, and the Cult of Tiki / Cate, Martin, Cate, Rebecca / ISBN: 9781607747321 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .

    Smuggler's Cove: Exotic Cocktails, Rum, and the Cult of ~ A very enjoyable, amusing, and easy to read book about tiki culture, exotic cocktails, and the brilliant marketing and hospitality of author Martin Cate and his world-famous San Francisco bar, Smuggler's Cove. While historically, tiki bars would keep their drink recipes secret, Martin has included dozens of recipes from his James Beard Award-winning bar. He encourages exotic cocktail .

    Smuggler's Cove: Exotic Cocktails, Rum, and the Cult of ~ Martin and Rebecca Cate, founders and owners of Smuggler’s Cove (the most acclaimed tiki bar of the modern era) take you on a colorful journey into the lore and legend of tiki: its birth as an escapist fantasy for Depression-era Americans; how exotic cocktails were invented, stolen, and re-invented; Hollywood starlets and scandals; and tiki’s modern-day revival, in this James Beard Award .

    Smugglers Cove Exotic Cocktails Rum And The Cult Of Tiki ~ Download Smugglers Cove Exotic Cocktails Rum And The Cult Of Tiki Eventually, you will utterly discover a further experience and success by spending more cash. still when? reach you endure that you require to get those all needs subsequent to having significantly cash? Why dont you try to acquire something basic in the beginning? Thats something that will guide you to understand even more just .

    Smugler's Cove: Exotic Cocktails, Rum, and the Cult of ~ --Wayne Curtis, author, And a Bottle of Rum: A History of the New World in Ten Cocktails "With Smuggler's Cove, Martin Cate did the impossible, folding up a whole rum-soaked sailing ship so that it would fit into a not-very-large San Francisco storefront. Now he's done it again, and taken that tiki bar--one of the very finest bars I know--and folded it up so it fits between the pages of a book .

    Smuggler's Cove: Exotic Cocktails, Rum, and the Cult of ~ Martin and Rebecca Cate, founders and owners of Smuggler’s Cove (the most acclaimed tiki bar of the modern era) take you on a colorful journey into the lore and legend of tiki: its birth as an escapist fantasy for Depression-era Americans; how exotic cocktails were invented, stolen, and re-invented; Hollywood starlets and scandals; and tiki’s modern-day revival, in this James Beard Award .

    Smuggler's Cove: Exotic Cocktails, Rum, and the Cult of ~ Smuggler's Cove: Exotic Cocktails, Rum, and the Cult of Tiki: Cate, Martin, Cate, Rebecca: 9781607747321: Books - .ca

    Smugglers Cove Exotic Cocktails Rum And The Cult Of Tiki ~ smugglers cove exotic cocktails rum and the cult of tiki Sep 13, 2020 Posted By Roger Hargreaves Public Library TEXT ID 4563893b Online PDF Ebook Epub Library modern era take you on a colorful journey into the lore and legend of tiki its birth as an escapist fantasy for depression era americans how exotic cocktails were invented

    Smugglers Cove Exotic Cocktails Rum And The Cult Of Tiki PDF ~ smugglers cove exotic cocktails rum and the cult of tiki By . and tikis modern day revival smugglers cove exotic cocktails rum and the cult of tiki kindle edition by martin cate author rebecca cate author format kindle edition 48 out of 5 stars 401 ratings see all formats and editions hide other formats and editions price new from used from kindle edition please retry cdn 1999 .

    K on beach: Die momentan besten Modelle im Detail! ~ Smuggler's Cove: Exotic Cocktails, Rum, and the Cult of Tiki: 24,99€ 4: K-ON! BEACH QUEENS Tainaka Ritsu 1/10 PVC Figure: 54,68€ 5: Early Rubens: 46,34€ 6: K-ON! BEACH QUEENS Kotobuki Tsumugi 1/10 PVC Figure: 80,17€ 7: All the Broken People: 24,13€ 8

    SMUGLER'S COVE: EXOTIC COCKTAILS, RUM, AND THE CULT OF TIKI ~ Buy SMUGLER'S COVE: EXOTIC COCKTAILS, RUM, AND THE CULT OF TIKI:9781607747321 by CATE, MARTIN Beverages English Books available at Asiabooks with special promotions.

    Smuggler's Cove ~ SMUGGLER'S COVE Exotic Cocktails, Rum, and the Cult of Tiki. Smuggler's Cove now has a book! Whether you’re looking for a new favorite cocktail (over 100 recipes included!), tips on how to trick out your home tiki grotto, help stocking your bar with great rums, or inspiration for your next tiki party, Smuggler’s Cove has everything you need to transform your world into a Polynesian Pop .

    K on beach 🔥 - Die TOP Modelle im Detail ~ Smuggler's Cove: Exotic Cocktails, Rum, and the Cult of Tiki: 24,99€ 4: K-ON! BEACH QUEENS Tainaka Ritsu 1/10 PVC Figure: 54,68€ 5: Early Rubens: 46,34€ 6: K-ON! BEACH QUEENS Kotobuki Tsumugi 1/10 PVC Figure: 80,17€ 7: All the Broken People: 24,13€ 8

    Smugler's Cove von Martin Cate. Bücher / Orell Füssli ~ Esquire, 2013). Smuggler's Cove was also awarded Best American Cocktail Bar at the 2016 Tales of the Cocktail Spirited Awards. A member of the United States Bartenders Guild (USBG), Martin conducts educational seminars and adjudicates rum and cocktail competitions across the United States, Europe, and the Caribbean. In 2015, along with partners .