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    Proactive Law for Managers: A Hidden Source of Competitive Advantage (English Edition)

    Beschreibung Proactive Law for Managers: A Hidden Source of Competitive Advantage (English Edition). Savvy managers no longer look at contracts and the law reactively but use them proactively to reduce their costs, minimize their risks, secure key talent, collaborate to innovate, protect intellectual property, and create value for their customers that is superior to that offered by competitors. To achieve competitive advantage in this way managers need a plan. Proactive Law for Managers provides this plan; The Manager's Legal PlanTM. George Siedel and Helena Haapio first discuss the traditional, reactive approach used by many managers when confronted with the law, then contrast it with a proactive approach that enables the law and managers' legal capabilities to be used to prevent problems, promote successful business, and achieve competitive advantage. Proactive Law for Managers shows how to use contracts and the law to create new value and innovate in often neglected areas - and implement ideas in a profitable manner.

    Buch Proactive Law for Managers: A Hidden Source of Competitive Advantage (English Edition) PDF ePub

    Proactive Law for Managers: A Hidden Source of Competitive ~ Proactive Law for Managers is a fundamental book that addresses a critical component of any business and offers a comprehensive, step-by-step guide and other invaluable tools on a plethora of legal issues to gain a competitive advantage in your firm. It is a must-read for any manager and ultimately, it is essential for business success and should be incorporated into every company’s legal and business strategy.' - Alyssa R. Martina, President and Publisher, Metro Parent Publishing Group .

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