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    Cutting Hair The Vidal Sassoon Way by V. Sassoon

    Beschreibung Cutting Hair The Vidal Sassoon Way by V. Sassoon.

    Buch Cutting Hair The Vidal Sassoon Way by V. Sassoon PDF ePub

    Cutting Hair the Vidal Sassoon Way: : Sassoon ~ "Cutting Hair the Vidal Sassoon Way" will teach you, step-by-step, how the main basic and advanced haircuts are achieved. It is backed by many photographs which actively demonstrate how to improve your technique and perform the perfect cut. It explains exactly how the main basic and most important haircuts are done step by step.

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    Cutting Hair The Vidal Sassoon Way by V. Sassoon: ~ CUTTING HAIR THE VIDAL SASSOON WAY Vidaal Sassoon kann als der Erfinder des systematischen Haarschnitts bezeichnet werden. Er entwickelte in den 60er-Jahren seine Haarschneidetechnik, die perfekte, geometrische Haarschnitte ermöglicht. Da sie stets Wuchs- und Fallrichtung der Haare mit einbeziehen, wirken sie immer natürlich und sind einfach .

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    Cutting Hair the Vidal Sassoon Way, Revised Edition ~ 'Cutting Hair the Vidal Sassoon Way' will teach you, step-by-step, how the main basic and advanced haircuts are achieved. It is backed by many photographs which actively demonstrate how to improve your technique and perform the perfect cut.

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    Cutting Hair the Vidal Sassoon Way, Revised Edition by ~ 'Cutting Hair the Vidal Sassoon Way' will teach you, step-by-step, how the main basic For the first time the man who is the acknowledged master in the world of haircutting and hair care reveals in book form the secrets of the techniques that have made him famous all over the world.

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    Cutting Hair the Vidal Sassoon Way By: Sassoon, Vidal ~ [Cutting Hair the Vidal Sassoon Way] [By: Sassoon, Vidal] [October, 1984] / / ISBN: / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .

    Cutting Hair the Vidal Sassoon Way / Taylor & Francis Group ~ 'Cutting Hair the Vidal Sassoon Way' will teach you, step-by-step, how the main basic and advanced haircuts are achieved. It is backed by many photographs which actively demonstrate how to improve your technique and perform the perfect cut.

    :Kundenrezensionen: Cutting Hair the Vidal ~ CUTTING HAIR THE VIDAL SASSOON WAY Vidaal Sassoon kann als der Erfinder des systematischen Haarschnitts bezeichnet werden. Er entwickelte in den 60er-Jahren seine Haarschneidetechnik, die perfekte, geometrische Haarschnitte ermöglicht. Da sie stets Wuchs- und Fallrichtung der Haare mit einbeziehen, wirken sie immer natürlich und sind einfach zu frisieren. Dies kann getrost als Revolution .

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