Beschreibung Slow Tourism: Experiences and Mobilities (Aspects of Tourism Book 54) (English Edition). Bringing together scholars from the areas of tourism, leisure and cultural studies, eco-humanities and tourism management, this book examines the emerging phenomenon of slow tourism. The book explores the range of travel experiences that are part of growing consumer concerns with quality leisure time, environmental and cultural sustainability, as well as the embodied experience of place. Slow tourism encapsulates a range of lifestyle practices, mobilities and ethics that are connected to social movements such as slow food and cities, as well as specialist sectors such as ecotourism and voluntourism. The slow experience of temporality can evoke and incite different ways of being and moving, as well as different logics of desire that value travel experiences as forms of knowledge. Slow travel practices reflect a range of ethical-political positions that have yet to be critically explored in the academic literature despite the growth of industry discourse.
30 E-Learning Book Slow Tourism Experiences And Mobilities ~ slow tourism experiences and mobilities aspects of tourism book 54 english edition ebook dr simone fullagar kevin markwell dr erica wilson de kindle shop 10 Slow Tourism Experiences And Mobilities Aspects Of slow tourism experiences and mobilities 54 aspects of slow tourism encapsulates a range of lifestyle practices mobilities and ethics that are connected to social movements such as .
Greg Richards - ~ Reinventing the Local in Tourism: Producing, Consuming and Negotiating Place (Aspects of Tourism Book 73) (English Edition ) 03.05.2016. von Antonio Paolo Russo , Dr. Greg Richards âŹ26.22. This book investigates the way localities are shaped and negotiated through tourism, and explores the emerging success of local peer-produced hospitality and tourism services which are transforming the .
John Urry - ~ The Tourist Gaze 3.0 (Published in association with Theory, Culture & Society) (English Edition) . of both physical and virtual movement. In considering this sociology of mobilities, the book concerns itself with the travels of people, ideas, images, messages, waste products and money across international borders, and the implications these mobilities have to our experiences of time, space .
UNWTO Tourism Data Dashboard / UNWTO ~ UNWTO Tourism Data Dashboard. The UNWTO Tourism Data Dashboard â provides statistics and insights on key indicators for inbound and outbound tourism at the global, regional and national levels. Data covers tourist arrivals, tourism share of exports and contribution to GDP, source markets, seasonality and accommodation (data on number of rooms .
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