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    The Holiday Makers : Understanding the Impact of Leisure and Travel by Jost Krippendorf (1999-04-16)

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    Buch The Holiday Makers : Understanding the Impact of Leisure and Travel by Jost Krippendorf (1999-04-16) PDF ePub

    The Holiday Makers: Understanding the Impact of Leisure ~ The Holiday Makers is thought-provoking and profound in its analysis of the present and future patterns of work and leisure. The author analyses the different forms of tourism, examines the effects on the indigenous countries and their people, and outlines positive steps to reconcile people's holiday requirements with the world's economic and social structures.

    The Holiday Makers : Understanding the Impact of Leisure ~ Buy The Holiday Makers : Understanding the Impact of Leisure and Travel 1 by Krippendorf, Jost (ISBN: 9780750643481) from 's Book Store. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders.

    The Holiday Makers : Understanding the Impact of Leisure ~ The Holiday Makers : Understanding the Impact of Leisure and Travel by Jost Krippendorf (1999-04-16): Books - .ca

    The Holiday Makers: Understanding the Impact of Leisure ~ Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for The Holiday Makers: Understanding the Impact of Leisure and Travel by Jost Krippendorf (Paperback, 1999) at the best online prices at eBay!

    The Holiday Makers: : Krippendorf, Jost: Libri in ~ The Holiday Makers is thought-provoking and profound in its analysis of the present and future patterns of work and leisure. The author analyses the different forms of tourism, examines the effects on the indigenous countries and their people, and outlines positive steps to reconcile people's holiday requirements with the world's economic and social structures.

    Tourism Management: : Page, Stephen J.: Books ~ The Holiday Makers : Understanding the Impact of Leisure and Travel Jost Krippendorf. 5.0 out of 5 stars 4. Paperback. ÂŁ39.25. Responsible Tourism: Using tourism for sustainable development 2nd edition Harold Goodwin. 5.0 out of 5 stars 5. Paperback. ÂŁ34.99. Only 1 left in stock (more on the way). Tourism and Sustainability Martin Mowforth. 3.0 out of 5 stars 1. Paperback. ÂŁ35.99. The .

    Towards Silent Communities / SpringerLink ~ Jost Krippendorf, The Holiday Makers: Understanding the Impact of Leisure and Travel, Oxford, Butterworth-Heinemann, 1987. Google Scholar. 27. On the logic of a semiotic square, see Georg Henrik von Wright, ‘Deonttinen logiikka’, in Tauno Nyberg (ed.), Ajatus ja analyysi, WSOY, Helsinki, 1977, pp. 147–166 Google Scholar. Laurence Horn, A Natural History of Negation, Chicago and London .

    Contemporary Tourism: An international approach: .co ~ The Holiday Makers : Understanding the Impact of Leisure and Travel Jost Krippendorf. 4.4 out of 5 stars 5. Paperback. ÂŁ39.99. Responsible Tourism: Using tourism for sustainable development 2nd edition Harold Goodwin. 5.0 out of 5 stars 6. Paperback. ÂŁ27.13. Only 4 left in stock. Next. Enter your mobile number or email address below and we'll send you a link to download the free Kindle App .

    What Does the Concept of Responsibility Contribute to the ~ Krippendorf J (1987) The holiday makers. Understanding the impact of leisure and travel. . Lane B (2003) Jost Krippendorf, Pioneer of sustainable tourism, obituary The Guardian 7 April 2003 Google Scholar. Lichbach MI (ed) (1996) The co-operator’s dilemma. University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor Google Scholar. Longworth N, Davies WK (1996) Lifelong learning: new vision, new implications .

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    UNWTO Elibrary ~ The UNWTO Elibrary is an online service from the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) with a broad coverage of tourism and related subject areas. The UNWTO Elibrary is an information source offering an unparalleled coverage of research and information in the area of tourism and available to our Member States, Affiliate Members, subscribers and general public.

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    Contemporary Tourism: An international approach: .co ~ The study of tourism and indeed the tourism industry is changing constantly. Now in its fourth edition, Contemporary Tourism: an international approach presents a new and refreshing approach to the study of tourism, considering issues such as overtourism, advances in AI and its impacts, waste management and environmental crisis, the sharing economy and Airbnb, the tourist experience and .

    Understanding the indiscipline of tourism cap. libro ~ In this respect, Jost Krippendorf ignited a much deeper discussion to explain the logic of leisure not only traverses cultures and times, but also it is enrooted in the psychology of our mind. No matter than the time, tourism is not previously determined by the capital as American sociology precludes, but by the needs of “escapement” which is common to many human sedentary organizations. A .

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    Ecotourism and Sustainable Development / SpringerLink ~ In the 1990s, Jost Krippendorf addressed negative side effects of tourism with his book, The Holiday Makers: Understanding the Impact of Leisure and Travel. His claim was not that tourism should be restricted but that people have to be aware of the problems the industry causes in the destinations including potential negative environmental and cultural impacts of traveling.

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