Beschreibung Zoos and Tourism: Conservation, Education, Entertainment? (Aspects of Tourism Book 46) (English Edition). Zoos are important and popular tourist attractions. Spread around the world, they are typically located in major cities, with visitation levels comparable to other major attractions. Nature-based attractions constructed in artificial settings, they face the challenge of trying to balance potentially conflicting aims of conservation, education and entertainment. The best are continually developing fresh and effective techniques on visitor interpretation and management, the worst highlight the manipulation of animals for human gratification. Taking a global approach, this book examines the problems and paradoxes of zoos as they try to balance their roles as visitor attractions while repositioning themselves as leading conservation agencies.
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Conservation Education ~ Studies have shown that AZA-accredited zoos and aquariums enhance the public’s understanding of wildlife and the need to conserve the places animals live. Visitors believe zoos and aquariums play an important role in conservation education and that when they experience a stronger connection to nature, are prompted to reconsider their role in environmental problems and conservation action and .
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