Beschreibung Critical Debates in Tourism (Aspects of Tourism Book 57) (English Edition). In this volume tourism experts collectively discuss and debate some intriguing questions that the tourism industry poses, such as the relevance of mass tourism, the dilemma of authenticity, whether small tourism is beautiful, whether volunteer tourism is benign, whether tourism contributes to climate change, as well as many others. The book brings together the expertise of 35 renowned international scholars of tourism to examine these perplexing issues. Multidisciplinary in its content, it touches upon anthropology, sociology, geography, climatology, biosciences, and planning and development aspects of tourism. The book provides a dialogue for an academic discussion which challenges research conservatism and stereotypes in tourism studies. It will encourage scholars to test the consistency of critical notions whose heuristic value is often taken for granted. The book will benefit graduates, research scholars and those involved in organizing the industry sustainably.
Critical Debates in Tourism - Google Books ~ In this volume tourism experts collectively discuss and debate some intriguing questions that the tourism industry poses, such as the relevance of mass tourism, the dilemma of authenticity, whether small tourism is beautiful, whether volunteer tourism is benign, whether tourism contributes to climate change, as well as many others. The book brings together the expertise of 35 renowned .
Critical debates in tourism (eBook, 2012) [WorldCat] ~ Aspects of tourism, v. 57: Edition/Format: eBook: Document : EnglishView all editions and formats: Summary: In this volume tourism experts collectively discuss and debate some intriguing questions that the tourism industry poses, such as the relevance of mass tourism, the dilemma of authenticity, whether small tourism is beautiful, whether volunteer tourism is benign, whether tourism .
(PDF) Critical debates in tourism - ResearchGate ~ Critical debates in tourism, by Tej Vir Singh, UK, Channel View Publications, 2012, xvii Ăž 392 pp., $49.95 (paperback), ISBN 978-1-845-41341-5 This edited text is unique.
Critical debates in tourism (Book, 2012) [WorldCat] ~ Get this from a library! Critical debates in tourism. [Tejvir Singh;] -- In this volume tourism experts collectively discuss and debate some intriguing questions that the tourism industry poses, such as the relevance of mass tourism, the dilemma of authenticity, whether .
Critical Debates in Tourism (Aspects of Tourism): ~ Buy Critical Debates in Tourism (Aspects of Tourism) by Tej Vir Singh, Tej Vir Singh (ISBN: 9781845413415) from 's Book Store. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders.
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Philosophical Issues in Tourism (Aspects of Tourism ~ The changes in global consciousness discussed in this timely book suggest that tourism s successful trajectory must be re-visioned - with values such as ethics, aesthetics and knowledge as critical components. This philosophical book is at once uplifting, provocative and informative. - Professor Pauline Sheldon, Professor of Tourism, University .
Event Tourism and Cultural Tourism: Issues and Debates ~ Event and cultural tourism as a social practice is a widespread phenomenon of global socio-economic importance. The purpose of the book is to bring together current thinking on contemporary issues relating to the management and marketing of cultural events and attractions. The contributions to the book provide interesting perspectives on a number of topics including innovation in festivals .
Tourism - Google Books ~ Tourism is becoming an increasingly important component of the global economy, and is subsequently a growing area of university study and research around the world. This unique new textbook covers all aspects of tourism from a contemporary perspective. It includes a range of theoretical and research-based topics supported by examples, case studies and comment boxes from industry .
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Research themes for tourism. - CABI ~ This book introduces a broad range of themes within tourism research. As such, it seeks to provide some explanation and contextualization of each topic, supported by applied case studies (where appropriate), international examples and detailed discourse around some of the current contemporary debates in tourism management. The book consists of 20 major chapters on the different types of tourism.
Critical Debates in Tourism eBook door - 9781845413446 ~ The book brings together the expertise of 35 renowned international scholars of tourism to examine these perplexing issues. Multidisciplinary in its content, it touches upon anthropology, sociology, geography, climatology, biosciences, and planning and development aspects of tourism. The book provides a dialogue for an academic discussion which challenges research conservatism and stereotypes .
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