Beschreibung Managing Educational Tourism (Aspects of Tourism Book 10) (English Edition). Increasingly tourists are seeking learning and educational holidays. This interest has led to the provision of tourism product with some form of learning or education as an integral component, including cultural heritage tourism and ecotourism. The growth of offshore education and lifelong learning has stimulated cross-border movement for language learning, school excursions and university student travel. Reflecting this growth in educational tourism types, the author outlines the main forms of educational tourism, their demand and supply characteristics, their impacts and the management issues associated with them, taking a holistic systems-based perspective. The book argues that without adequate research and appropriate management of educational forms of tourism, the potential regional development impacts and personal learning benefits will not be maximised. The book highlights the need for collaboration and networking between both the tourism and education industries to adequately manage the issues surrounding the growth in educational tourism.
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Managing Educational Tourism (10) (Aspects of Tourism (10 ~ Reflecting this growth in educational tourism types, the author outlines the main forms of educational tourism, their demand and supply characteristics, their impacts and the management issues associated with them, taking a holistic systems-based perspective. The book argues that without adequate research and appropriate management of educational forms of tourism, the potential regional .
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Educational Tourism: Sector Outlook - Future Market Insights ~ Educational tourism also called as edu-tourism is a sub type of the travel and tourism sector. Educational tourism could be referred to as an approach for pursuing education, carrying out research activities and knowledge acquisition. This sector is acquiring popularity these days and is a fast growing sub-sector in the travel and tourism industry. As far as academics are concerned, this .
What is Educational Tourism / IGI Global ~ What is Educational Tourism? Definition of Educational Tourism: The main objective of the tourist is acquiring new knowledge about culture or history from other countries or cities. It is a trending type of tourism in many world regions, particularly in Europe.
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