Beschreibung Poker: The Math and Winning Strategy (English Edition). Hundreds of thousands of dollars, if not more, change hands at poker tables worldwide each day. While a basic level of technical proficiency can help you keep a little of this money for yourself, if you ever hope to earn a serious payday then you will need to understand the math that the professionals use in order to keep themselves in the black in the long run. If you are chasing that poker payday then Poker: The Math and Winning Strategy is the book that you have been waiting for. A concrete understanding of the way that probability functions when you sit down to play a hand will naturally make it easier to make the right moves with each turn the game takes. While understanding probability won’t guarantee you a 100 percent chance of success with every hand, following the odds will make certain that you win more than you lose overall.The chapters in this book will discuss a wide variety of ways that numerous different equations can be applied to improve your play at all stages of the game. Whether it is the basics of hand probability, the specifics of pot odds or how to determine equity and expected value, if you are looking for a way to minimize how much of a roll luck plays in your poker game then you will find something of value in these pages. Excelling at poker is a skill which means that like any other skill it can be honed with practice. Poker: The Math and Winning Strategy provides you with all the tools you need to in order to enhance your effectiveness overall and point you in the direction of the payday you are searching for. The countless number of individuals playing poker at any given time means that someone is always on the verge of a game-changing payout. With the right knowledge and training it could easily be you. So, what are you waiting for? Take control of your future and buy this book today!Inside this book, you will find:All the probabilities of success you need to know from the preflop all the way to the river.The easiest way to determine pots odds through both ratios and percentages.How to put +EV and -EV to work for you.Several different bluffing strategies to help you win more pots with less.The best way to use combinatorics to help determine the range your opponent is working with.Everything you need to know to find the right poker tournament for youAnd more…Read on to learn as much as possible about Poker and how you too can start winning!
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